Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

memories to make it feel that way.

/ saw, for a moment, in the light in my mind, in that vision,

I saw something about myself, about who I was, am, could be.

I want to see it again!

It fled now from the thing it had hunted once, frightened of

it without knowing why. The cloak reassured, but even the

cloak did not seem enough to protect it against this other. And

flight from its pursuer always seemed to bring it back around

to where that pursuer waited, a circle of running it could not

understand. If it ran from its pursuer, why did the running

bring it back again? Sometimes the cloak soothed and shel-

tered against the pursuer and the memories, but sometimes it

felt as if the cloak were fire against its skin, burning away its

identity, making it into something terrible.

Take off the cloak!

No, foolish, foolish! The cloak protects!

And so the battle raged within the tormented thing that was

both Coil and Shadowen, driving it this way and that, wearing

it down and building it up again, pulling and pushing both at

once until there was nothing of reason and peace left within it.

Help me, it pleaded silently. Please, help me.

But it did not know who it was asking for help or what form

that help should take. It stared down through the darkness at

the one who tracked it, thinking that its hunter would sleep

soon. What should it do then? Should it go down there, creep-

ing, creeping, silent as clouds drifting in the sky, and touch it,

touch …

The thought would not complete. The cloak seemed to fold

more tightly about it, distracting it. Yes, creep down perhaps,

show its hunter that it was not afraid (but it was!), that it could

do as it wished in the night, in its cloak, in the safety of the

magic …

Help me.

It choked on the words, trying to shriek them aloud, unable

to do so. It closed its eyes against the pain and forced itself to


Take something from it, something it needs, that it treasures.

Take something that will make it … hurt as I do. Reason

The Talismans of Shannara 167

jarred loose a familiar memory. / know this one, know from

when, when we were, we were . . . brothers! This one can help,

can find a way …

But the Coll/Shadowen thing was not certain of this, and the

thought faded away with the others, lost in the teeming frag-

ments that jostled and fought for consideration in the confused

mind. It was both drawn to and repelled by the one it watched,

and the conflict would not resolve itself no matter how much

effort was expended.

Tears came again, unbidden, unwanted. The soiled, scraped

hands knotted and tightened. The ravaged face fought to shape

itself into something recognizable. For a second Coil was

back, recovered out of the web of dark magic that imprisoned


Need to act, to do something that will let the other know!

Need to take something away!

I must!

Par was asleep when he felt the tearing at his neck. He

jerked and thrashed wildly in an effort to stop it, not knowing

what it was or who was causing it. Something was choking

him, closing off his throat so that he could not breathe. There

was a weight atop him, climbing on him, wrapping about.

A Shadowen!

Yet the wishsong had not warned him, so it could not be

that. He summoned the magic now, desperate to save himself.

He felt it build with agonizing slowness. Something was

breathing on his face and neck. There was a flash of teeth, and

he felt coarse hair rub against his skin. His hand reached out

to brace himself so that he might shove upward against his at-

tacker. His hand brushed the handle of the Sword of Shannara,

and the metal burned him like fire.

Then the pressure on his throat abruptly released, the weight

on his body lifted, and through a haze of colored light and

gloom he saw a crumpled, hunched form race away into the

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Categories: Terry Brooks