Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

140 The Talismans of Shannara

by the door. “Sit there, please,” she said, indicating a vacant

seat by Fruaren Laurel.

Tiger Ty sat. The chamber went very still as those assem-

bled waited for Wren to speak. The doors leading in were

closed, sealed by the Home Guard on Wren’s orders until such

time as she permitted them to be opened again. Torches burned

in brackets affixed to the stone of the walls and in free-

standing stanchions at the front and back of the room. Smoke

rose toward the ceiling and dispersed through air loops high

overhead. The smoke left a faint coppery taste to the chamber


Wren straightened. She had not bothered to change her

clothes, deciding she would not make the concession to the

dictates of formality. They would have to accept her as she

was. She had left Paun in her chambers. She would have

wished for Cogline or Walker Boh or any of those who had

stood with her once and were now dead or scattered, but wish-

ing for help from any quarter was pointless. If she was to suc-

ceed this night in what she intended to do, she would have to

do it on her own.

“Ministers, Council Members, my friends,” she began, look-

ing from face to face, her voice measured and calm. “We have

all come a very long way from where we were only weeks

ago. We have seen a great many changes take place in the life

of the Elven people. None of us could have foreseen what

would happen; maybe some of us wish things had turned out

differently. But here we are, and there is no going back.

Morrowindl is behind us forever, and the Four Lands are be-

fore us. When we agreed to come back, we knew what would

be waiting for us—a struggle with the Federation, with the

Shadowen, with Elven magic hideously subverted, with our

past brought forward to become our future. We knew what

would be waiting, and now we must face it.”

She paused, her gaze steady. “Yesterday the Wing Riders

spotted a Federation army coming up from the deep Southland.

Today, with Tiger Ty, I flew south to have a look for myself.

We found the army within the Tirfing, a day’s march above the

Myrian. The army is ten times ours and travels with siege and

war machines and supplies to sustain it well into another

month. It comes north and west. It comes in search of us. If I

The Talismans of Shannara 141

were to guess, I would say it would reach us in another ten


She stopped, waiting for a response. Her eyes traveled from

face to face.

‘Ten times ours? ” Barsimmon Oridio repeated doubtfully.

“How accurate is your estimation, my lady? ”

Wren had been anticipating this. She gave him a count, col-

umn by column, company by company, machines and wagons,

foot soldiers and horsemen, leaving nothing out. When she was

finished, the general of her armies was pale.

“An army of that size will wipe us out,” said Eton Shart

quietly. As always, he was composed, his hands folded on the

table before him, his expression unreadable.

“If we engage it,” Jalen Ruhl amended. The minister of de-

fense was slight and stoop-shouldered, his voice a deep rumble

in his narrow chest. “The Westland is a big place.”

“Are you suggesting we hide? ” Barsimmon Oridio de-

manded incredulously.

“Hiding won’t work,” Eton Shart interjected shortly. “We

can’t leave the city or we give up the Ellcrys. If the Ellcrys is

destroyed, the Forbidding comes down. Better we all perish

than that happen.”

There was a long pause as the ministers glanced at each

other doubtfully.

“A concession of some sort, perhaps? ” Perek Arundel sug-

gested, ever the compromiser. He was handsome in a soft way,

rather vain, but shrewd and quick-thinking. He looked about.

“There must be a way to make peace with the Coalition Coun-


Again Eton Shart shook his head. “It was tried before. The

Coalition Council is a puppet of the Shadowen. Any compro-

mise will involve occupation of the Westland and agreement to

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Categories: Terry Brooks