Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

ground like a missile, hurtling through the night to slam into

the war shrike. It sounded like rocks crunching, a sharp grat-

ing. Both birds cried out and then broke apart, talons raking

the air.

Then one of the riders fell, dislodged by the impact. Arms

and legs flailing the air, shrieking in horror, he plummeted

earthward. He fell like a stone, unable to help himself, and

struck with an audible thud. Overhead, the struggle continued,

the Roc and war shrike battling on across the skies as if the

loss of a rider made no difference. Wren could not tell who

had fallen. She ran across the flats, her heart pumping wildly,

her throat closing in fear. She ran for a long time without see-

ing anything. Then all at once there was a crumpled heap in

front of her, a bloodied, ragged form trying to rise off the

ground, somehow still alive.

She slowed her rush, and a shattered, broken visage turned

toward her. She shuddered as the eyes met her own. It was Tib

Ame. He tried to speak, a thick gurgle that would not let the

words form, and she could hear his hatred of her in the sound.

He was a boy still beneath the leaking wounds, but it was the

Shadowen that broke free finally, rising like black smoke to

come at her. She brought up the Elfstones instantly, and the

blue fire tore through the dark thing and consumed it.

When she looked again, Tib Ame’s blue eyes were staring

up at her sightlessly.

She heard a shriek from overhead then, either war shrike or

Roc, and looked up just in time to see Gloon descending with

Spirit in pursuit. The shrike had abandoned his sky battle and

was coining for her. She crouched beneath its shadow, no place

to hide now, the wash too far away to reach. She brought up

the Elfstones, but her movements were leaden, and she knew

she didn’t have enough time to save herself.

And then Spirit gave a final surge and caught Gloon from

340 The Talismans of Shannai ‘

behind, hammering into the war shrike, knocking it off balanc–

and away. Gloon whipped about, tearing at the Roc, and in tha*

instant Wren unleashed the magic of the Elfstones a final time

It caught Gloon full on, enfolded the shrike, and began to bum

it apart, eating at it even as it tried to escape. Gloon shrieked

in rage, twisted wildly, and tried to fly. But the Elven rnagu

had set the bird afire, and. the flames were everywhere. Ii

rolled and straightened, wings beating. Wren struck it again,

the blue fire turning white hot. Down went the war shrike,

flames trailing from its body. It struck the earth, shud-

dered, and went still.

In seconds, the fire had turned it to ash.

In the hush that followed. Spirit made a silent descent to the

grasslands. Tiger Ty climbed down and came over to Wren,

walking in that shuffling, bowlegged gait, leathery face

streaked with sweat. She reached out her hands to clasp his.

“Are you all right, girl? ” he asked quietly, and she could

see the deep concern in his sharp eyes.

She smiled. “Thanks to you. That’s twice in one day I’ve

been saved by friends I’d thought I’d lost.” And she told him

of Morgan Leah and the Shadowen at Southwatch.

“I found the free-bom in the Dragon’s Teeth yesterday

morning.” The gnarled hands would not release her, holding on

as if afraid she might fade away. “Their leader told me he

didn’t send the boy, that he’d sent someone else. I knew what

had happened. I left them to follow when they could and came

back for you. Too late, I thought. You were already missing

We searched for you all day. Found Rift and Grayl, but ther’^

was no sign of you. I knew the boy had taken you. But I knew

as well that if there was a way, you’d escape. I took Spirit out

alone after the others gave it up for the night and kept look-

ing.” He gave her a hard look. “Good thing I did.”

“Good thing,” she agreed.

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Categories: Terry Brooks