Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

lander? ”

Morgan permitted himself a quick grin. “Above all else, we

have to get in and out again quick. The longer this takes, the

more dangerous it becomes. Bear with me, Chandos. I just

want you to understand the reasoning behind what I’m about


The Talismans of Shannara 115

to suggest. We have to think the way they do in order to an-

ticipate their plan to trap us and find a way to avoid it.”

“You’re sure there will be a trap, then? ” the big man asked,

rubbing his bearded chin. “Why won’t they just dispose of

Padishar and be done with it? Or why not do to him what they

did to Hirehone? ” He glanced quickly at Damson, who was


Morgan clasped a hand on the other’s broad shoulder. “I

can’t be sure of anything. But think about it for a moment. If

they dispose of Padishar, they lose any chance of getting then-

hands on the rest of us. And they want us all, Chandos. They

want the free-bom wiped out.” He faced Damson. “Eventually,

they will use Padishar the same way they used Hirehone. But

they won’t do that right away. First of all, they know we will

be looking for it. If Padishar comes back, what’s the first thing

we’ll ask ourselves? Is it really Padishar—or is it another of

the Shadowen? Second, they know we found a way to discover

the truth about Teel. And they know we might do it again with

Padishar. Third, and most important, we have the use of magic

and they want it. Rimmer Dall has been chasing Par Ohmsford

from the beginning and it must have something to do with his

magic. Same with Walker Boh. And the same with me.”

He leaned forward. “They’ll try to use Padishar to bring us

to them because they know we won’t attempt a rescue without

bringing the magic along, that we won’t challenge theirs with-

out being able to call on ours. They want that magic—just like

they want all the magic—and this is their best chance to get


Chandos frowned. “So you figure it’s the Shadowen that

we’ll really be up against? ”

Morgan nodded. “It’s been the Shadowen right from the be-

ginning. Teel, Hirehone, the Creepers, Rimmer Dall, the

Gnawl, that little girl Par encountered on Toffer Ridge—

everywhere we’ve gone, the Shadowen have been there wait-

ing. They control the Federation and the Coalition Council as

well; they have to. Of course it’s the Shadowen we’ll be up


“Tell us your plan,” Damson urged quietly.

Morgan leaned back again, folding his arms comfortably.

“We go back into Tyrsis through the tunnels—the same way

126 The Talismans of Shannara

Damson escaped. We dress ourselves in Federation uniforms,

just as Padishar did at the Pit. We go up into the city, to the

watchtower or prisons or wherever they have Padishar. We en-

ter in broad daylight and set him free. We go in one way and

out another. We do it all in a matter of a few minutes.”

Chandos and Damson both stared at him. “That’s it? That’s

the whole plan? ” Chandos demanded.

“Wait a minute,” Damson interrupted. “Morgan, how do we

get back into the tunnels? I can’t remember the way.”

“No, you can’t,” Morgan agreed. “But the Mole can.” He

took a deep breath. “This plan depends mostly on him. And

you persuading him to help.” He paused, studying her green

eyes. “You will have to go back into me city and find him,

then come down through the catacombs to lead us in. You will

have to find out where Padishar is being held so that we can

go right to him. The Mole knows all the secret passageways,

all the tunnels that He beneath the city of Tyrsis. He can find

a way for us to go. If we just appear at their door, they won’t

have time to stop us. It’s the best chance we have—do what

they expect us to do, but not in the way they’re anticipating.”

Chandos shook his head. “I don’t know, Highlander. They

know about Damson; they’ll be looking for her.”

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Categories: Terry Brooks