Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

pulsed, pressed back against the wall in shock. They heard Ru-

mor snarl below, heard Walker howl in fury, and saw the flare

of the Druid magic.

422 The Talismans of Shannara

“What are you doing? Move!”

It was Morgan Lean screaming at them as he appeared sud-

denly from out of the smoke and fire above, the Sword of

Leah dark and fiery in his hand. He was limping badly and his

left arm was clutched to his side. The dark-haired woman was

still with him, as battered as he was, blood smeared down the

side of her face. They surged out of the haze and herded the

others toward the slide. Par went tumbling down the broken

rock into the gloom. He landed on his feet, and was set upon

instantly. Black forms closed about, but the magic of the

wishsong saved him. It flared like armor all about him, then

exploded outward into his attackers. The black things were

thrown back into the haze. Rumor surged past, striking out, a

shadow appearing and fading away again. He heard the sound

of the others following him down, and in seconds they were

together once more.

Ahead, the light pulsed and the sound of its breathing was

a terrifying groan of frustration and pain.

They went forward once more, searching the dust and ash-

filled gloom for Walker and the moor cat. The Shadowen came

at them repeatedly, but Morgan and Par fought them off, keep-

ing Coil and the women between them. Damson was stirring

again, but Coil continued to carry her. The other woman stum-

bled forward on her own, teeth gritted, fire in her eyes. They

passed down a high, narrow corridor that opened overhead into

the stairwell, and suddenly they were in the room with the


The room was cavernous and craggy, carved out of the

earth’s rock long ago by time and the elements, a vast chamber

from which tunnels ran in all directions. At its center rested the

light. The light was a bulbous, pulsing mass wrapped all about

with cords of red fire. It strained and heaved against the cords,

but could not break free. It seemed to be part of the cavern

floor, welded to the rock and risen from its core into the

gloom. It had no shape or identity, yet something in the way

it moved reminded Par of an animal snared. The breathing

sound came from that movement, and the whole of the cham-

ber rising up into Southwatch seemed to be connected to it. It

would shudder, and the cavern and the walls of the keep would

The Talismans of Shannara 423

shudder in response. It would sigh, and the cavern and the

keep would sigh as well.

“What is it? ” Par heard Coil whisper next to him.

Then they saw Walker Boh. He was across the cavern floor,

locked in combat with Rimmer Dall, the two dark-cloaked

forms straining against each other with desperate intent. Rim-

mer Dall’s gloved hand was red with Shadowen fire, and

Walker’s was sheathed in Druid white. The rock beneath them

steamed with heat, and the air about them pulsed. Rimmer

Dall’s eyes were spots of blood, and his big, rawboned face

was skinned back with fury.

To one side. Rumor fought desperately to reach Walker,

Shadowen closing about to finish him.

Morgan went to their aid without pausing, howling out his

battle cry, bringing up the dark blade of his talisman in a trail

of fire. The dark-haired woman went with him. Coil started in-

stead toward the chained light, thinking to strike there, then

was forced to turn aside to meet an attack from Shadowen

launching themselves off the catwalk. He dropped Damson,

and Par racing up from behind caught her up. The Shadowen

closed on Coil and forced him back. The Sword of Shannara

offered no threat to them, and Coil had no other magic. Par

screamed at him to get out of the way, but instead Coil bulled

into the cloaked melee. Par laid Damson down hurriedly and

went after him. Coil stumbled and went down, rose again mo-

mentarily, and then went down for good. The Shadowen were

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Categories: Terry Brooks