Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

the fine, delicate features, the slim hands, the lean body con-

cealed beneath the loose-fitting clothing, the way he held

himself. He remembered how the boy had moved. None of it

seemed quite right for a boy. But for a girl …

He nodded slowly. “Many Roh,” he said, his surprise still

evident. “I thought you were a … that you were …”

The girl nodded. “That’s what you were supposed to think.”

Her hand did not move off the sword. “What do you want with


For a moment Morgan did not respond, still grappling with

the idea that he had mistaken a girl for a boy. Worse, that he

had let her make him look like such a fool. But you mustered

the defenses available to you when you lived in a place like

Wyvem Split. The girl was clever. He had to admit her dis-

guise was a good one.

He reached into his tunic pocket and drew forth the ring

with the hawk emblem and held it out. “Recognize this? ”

She took a quick look at the ring, and her hand tightened on

the sword. “Who are you? ” she asked.

“Morgan Leah,” he said. “We both know who gave me the

ring. He told me to come to you when I needed to find him.”

“I know who you are,” she declared. Her gaze stayed level,

appraising. “Do you still carry a broken sword, Morgan


An image of Quickening as she lay dying flashed in his

mind. “No,” he said quietly. “It was made whole again.” He

pushed back the pain the memory brought and forced himself

The Talismans of Shannara 87

to reach over his shoulder and touch the sword’s hilt. “Do you

want to have a look?”

She shook her head no. “I’m sorry I gave you such a bad

time. But it’s difficult to know who to trust. The Federation

has spies everywhere—Seekers more often than not.”

She picked up her own sword and slipped it back under the

counter. For a moment she didn’t appear to know what to do

next. Then she said, “Would you like something to eat? ”

He said he would, and she took him through the swinging

doors in back into a kitchen where she seated him at a small

table, scooped some stew into a serving bowl from a kettle

hung over a cooking fire in the hearth, cut off several slices of

bread, poured ale into a mug, and brought it all over to where

he waited. He ate and drank eagerly, hungrier than he had been

in days. There were wildflowers in a vase on the table, and he

touched them experimentally. She watched him in silence, the

same serious expression on her face, studying him with that

frank, curious gaze. The kitchen was surprisingly cool, with a

breeze blowing in through the open back door and venting up

the chimney of the fireplace. Sounds from the streets continued

to drift in, but the Highlander and the girl ignored them.

“It took you a long time to get here,” she said when he had

finished his meal. She carried his dishes to a sink and began

to wash them. “He expected you sooner than this.”

“Where is he now? ” Morgan asked. They were taking great

pains to avoid saying Padishar Creel’s name—as if mention of

it might alert the Federation spies set at watch.

“Where did he say he would be? ” she countered.

Still testing, Morgan thought. “At Firerim Reach. Tell me

something. You’re being pretty careful about me. How am I

supposed to know I can trust you? How do I know you really

are Many Roh? ”

She finished with’ the dishes, set them to dry on the counter,

and turned to face him. “You don’t. But you came looking for

me. I didn’t come looking for you. So you have to take your


He rose. ‘That’s not very reassuring.”

She shrugged. “It isn’t meant to be. It isn’t my job to reas-

sure you. It’s my job to make sure you’re who you say you


§8 The Talismans of Shannara

“And are you sure? “

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Categories: Terry Brooks