Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

for that’matter, had become of the others he had gathered at the

Hadeshom to speak with the shade of Allanon. She experienced

a vague sense of regret that she knew so little of their fates. She

should be searching for them, seeking them out and telling them

the truth about the Shadowen origins. It was important that they

know, she sensed. Something about who and what the

Shadowen were would lead to their destruction. Allanon had

known as much, she believed. But if he had known, why hadn’t

he simply told them? She shook her head. It was more complex

than that; it had to be. But wasn’t everything in this struggle?

They reached the vanguard camp, settled several miles

north, dismounted, and handed over their horses. Wren strode

away from the others, still without speaking, took food from a

table not because she was hungry but because she knew she

must eat, and sat alone at one end of a bench and stared off

into the trees. The answers were out there somewhere, she told

herself. She kept thinking that they were tied to the past, that

history repeats, that you leam from what has gone before.

Morrowindl’s lessons paraded themselves before her eyes in

the form of dead faces and brief images of unending sacrifice.

So much had been given up to get the Elves safely away from

that deathtrap; it could not have been simply for this. It had to

have been for something more than dying here instead of there.

She wished suddenly for Garth. She missed his steadying

presence, the way he could take any problem and make it seem

solvable. No matter how dark things had gotten. Garth had al-

ways gone on, taking her with him when she was little, letting

her lead when she was grown. She missed him so. Tears came

to her eyes, and she brushed them away self-consciously. She

would not cry for him again. She had promised she would not.

She rose and carried her plate back to the table, looking about

for Erring Rift. She would fly south again, she decided, for an-

other look at the Creepers. There had to be a way to stop or at

least slow them. Maybe something would suggest itself. It was

308 The Talismans of Shannaru

a faint hope, but it was all she had. She wished Tiger Ty was

there; he provided some of the same steadiness that she had got-

ten from Garth. But the gnarled Wing Rider had not returned

from his search for the free-bom, and bringing the free-born 10

the aid of the Elves was more important than providing solace

for her.

She caught sight of Rift and whistled him over.

“We’re going up for another look at the Creepers,” she an-

nounced, keeping her gaze steady as she faced him. His bearded

face clouded. “I need to do this. Don’t argue with me.”

Rift shook his head. “I wouldn’t dream of it,” he muttered

“My lady.”

She took his arm and walked him through the camp. “We

won’t stay out long. Let’s just see where they are, all right? ”

Obsidian eyes glanced over and away again. “They’re too

confounded close, is where they are. We both know that al-

ready.” He rubbed at his beard. “There’s no mystery to this

We have to stop them. You don’t happen to have a plan for

doing that, do you?”

She gave him a faint smile. “You’ll be the first to know.”

They were moving toward the clearing where the Rocs were

settled when Tib Arne came running up, breathless and


“My lady! My lady! Are you flying one of the great birds?

Take me with you this time, please? You said you would, my

lady. The next time you went out, you said you would. Please?

I’m tired of sitting about doing nothing.”

She turned to face him. Tib,” she began.

“Please? ” he begged, coming to a ragged stop in front of

her. He brushed back his shock of blond hair. His blue eyes

sparkled with anticipation. “I won’t be any trouble.”

She glanced at Rift, who gave her a black look of warning.

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Categories: Terry Brooks