Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

her pack, and off they had gone.

Desidio and the rest of the advance force had been sent

north to meet with Barsimmon Oridio to await her return.

Two days ago. They had traveled all night te get here and

spent the first of those two days without sleep. They had all

gone exploring instead.

She shook her head, looking off into the darkened trees,

smelling moss and bark mold and wildflowers and wondering

that so much could happen in such a little time. She heard

Stresa shift in the darkness before her, restless, and she looked

back again.

“Did you find the Thing?” she asked him, not knowing

what else to call it.

“Hssstt.” Stresa was laughing. “Not Thing, Wren Elessedil.

Things! There have been some changes in three hundred years,

it seems. There are more than the one now.”

And perhaps always were, and only one was ever seen, she

thought suddenly. She rose, contemplating the advent of the

The Talismans of Shannara 367

new day. Before her, east, waited the Wing Riders and the

Home Guard, and beyond them, somewhere on the grasslands,

the Creepers. Behind her, west, lay the Matted Brakes.

More than one. Well, now.

“Wait for me, Stresa,” she ordered, rising again, anxious

now to begin. “The valley opens into a draw that will bring

them right through here. It shouldn’t be long.”

Stresa turned and moved back into the shadows. “I’ll take a

nap. I’m tired from all this rooting about. It stinks in the

Brakes, you know. Pfffttt. Watch yourself until you get back

here. Queen of the Elves.”

She let him go without comment, then turned into the trees

east and made her way back toward the dawn’s brightening

light. The forest was thin here, the draw she had described a

broad wash down out of the higher ground where runoff and

wind had swept away roost of the cover. She found Faun al-

most immediately, the little creature leaping onto her shoulder

and riding there as she slipped ahead through the trees. The

plan would work, she told herself, and to make certain, she

went over it again in her mind. The mechanics were simple

enough. It was the execution that would make the difference.

And the execution was almost entirely in her hands.

She moved down into the valley, following the north slope

where the shadows were deepest in the growing light, peering

out onto the plains beyond where a faint haze concealed what

lay there. They had scouted everything thoroughly the day be-

fore in preparation. The Home Guard knew the terrain well

enough to take advantage of it, and the Wing Riders had found

hiding places within the trees close by the Brakes. Games

within games, she thought. Wheels within wheels. She thought

back to Morrowindl, where she had learned to play cat and

mouse with the Shadowen creatures, to put into practice all

that Rover knowledge Garth had imparted to her. She thought

how farsighted her mother and father had been to give her into

Garth’s keeping, knowing how life must one day be for her. It

was strange even now to think how much had been given up

for her, but it was no longer so difficult to accept. Life dele-

gated responsibility as need required and never in equal shares.

The trick was in not being afraid when you learned that this

was so.

368 The Talismans of Shannara

Paun chittered softly in her ear, and she reached up to stroke

the warm, fuzzy face. We must look after each other, she

thought to herself. We must nurture and love, if life is to have

any real meaning. But first, unfortunately, we must find a way

to survive against the things that would prevent us from doing


She found Triss and the Home Guard hidden at the mouth

of the valley within a cluster’of pine and heavy brush. It was

still and hazy on the plains beyond, the coming light diffuse

within the ground mist, giving it the look of snow. There was

a dampness in the air, and it had a pungent, coppery taste.

“They are no more than a mile below where we wait,” Triss

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Categories: Terry Brooks