Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

armor. She had never experienced anything like this, and she

shrank from the fury of it. Bar stood apart, observing dispas-

sionately, issuing orders to messengers who carried them for-

ward, and exchanging comments with members of his staff and

occasionally with Triss. The Elves had seen a lot of fighting and

had fought a lot of battles. This was nothing new for them. But

for Wren, it was like standing at the center of a maelstrom.

As the battle wore on, she found herself thinking of the

senselessness of it all. The Federation was seeking to destroy

the Elves because they believed Elven magic was destroying

the Four Lands. While Elven magic was indeed at fault, it had

not been conjured by the Elves under attack but by renegades

Yet the Elves under attack were responsible for allowing their

magic to be subverted and the Shadowen to come into being IP

the first place. And the Federation was responsible for perpet-

uating the misguided witch hunt that would place all blame

with the Westland Elves. Mistakes and contradictions, miscon-

ceptions and false beliefs—they knotted together to make the

madness possible. Reason had no place’ here. Wren thought

disgustedly. But then in war, she supposed, it seldom did.

For a time me Elves held their ground and me Federation at-

tack stalled. But gradually the pressure of so many on so few

began to tell, and the Elves were driven back, first along the

slopes of the valley and then on its floor. They gave ground

grudgingly, but steadily. The attack was beginning to roll them

up like leaves before a broom. Bar committed the last of his re-

serves and left to join the fight. Triss sent the bulk of the Home

Guard forward to a position on the slopes several hundred yaros

below where he stood with Wren. The orders he gave were sim-

ple. There was to be no retreat unless he called for it. The Home

Guard would stand and die where it was to protect the queen.

Overhead, the Wing Riders were using their Rocs to carry

logs and boulders to drop into the center of the Federation

ranks. The damage was fearful, but the enemy archers had

wounded two of the giant birds, and the others were being kept

The Talismans of Shannara


at a distance. From out of the haze south marched further re-

inforcements for the Southland army. There were just too

many, Wren thought dismally. Too many to stop.

She had agreed to remain clear of the fighting, to save the

Elfstones for when they were needed most, either against the

Creepers and their Shadowen masters or against anything else

the dark magic might conjure up. So far nothing of that sort

had joined in the Federation attack. Even the black-cloaked

Seekers had not shown themselves. It appeared they felt they

were not needed, that the regular army could manage well

enough alone. It appeared that they were right.

The afternoon lengthened with agonizing slowness. The

Federation army now held the mouth of the valley and was

moving steadily toward its head. All efforts to slow the ad-

vance had failed. The Elves were giving way before it, se-

verely outnumbered, desperately tired, fighting for the most

part on heart alone. Wren watched the black and scarlet hordes

inch closer, and her hand closed over the bag that contained

the Elfstones and drew it forth. She had hoped not to have to

use the Stones. She was not sure even now that she could.

These were not Creepers she would be destroying; they were

men. It seemed wrong to use the magic against humans. It

seemed unconscionable. Using the Elfstones drained her of

strength and willpower; she knew that much from her encoun-

ters with the Shadowen here and on Morrowindl. But using

them drained her of humanity as well, threatening each time to

diminish her in a way that would not let her ever be herself

again. Killing of any sort did that to you, but it would be

worse if she was forced to kill human beings.

Triss moved up beside her. “Put them away, my lady,” he

said quietly. “You don’t have to use them.”

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Categories: Terry Brooks