Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

no one spoke, the three of them standing toe to toe in the dark-

ness, daring one another to say something more.

Then Walker lifted one hand and brought Damson and

Matty before him and in the same motion moved Morgan

and Coil back. He was taller than Morgan remembered, and

broader as well, as if he had grown and put on weight. It

wasn’t possible, of course, but it seemed that way. It appeared

as if he were more than one man. He filled me space between

them, huge and forbidding, and the night about them was

hushed suddenly with expectation.

“I cannot give you magic with which to fight,” he told the

women softly, “but I can give you magic with which to shield

yourselves from the Shadowen attack. Stand quiet now. Don’t


He reached out then and swept the air about them with his

hand. The air filled with a brightness that seemed to spread

and fall like dust, burning and fading away as it touched them.

He brought his hand up one side and down the other, glazing

them with the brightness from head to foot, leaving them mo-

mentarily shimmering and then cloaked once more in black-


“If you are resolved to go,” he said, “this will help keep you


He brought them all back about him, gathering them in like

small children to a father’s embrace. He looked suddenly tired

and lost, but he looked determined as well. “We will do what

we must and what we can,” he told them. “Everything we

have fought for, every road we have traveled, every life given

up along the way, has been for this. I was told so by Allanon

after the return of Paranor, after my own transformation, after

Cogline had given up his life for me. The end of the Shadowen

or the end of us happens here. No one has to go who doesn’t

choose to. But everyone is needed.”

“We’re going,” Damson said quickly. “All of us.”

The others, even Morgan Leah, nodded in agreement.

“Five, then.” Walker smiled faintly. “We go to Par first to

set him free, to give him back the use of his magic. If we suc-

The Talismans of Shannara ^gg

ceed in that, we go down into the cellars. We leave now, so

that we can enter Southwatch at dawn.” He paused as if

searching for something more to say. “Look out for yourselves

Stay close to me.”

In the darkness of the grove, the five faced one another and

gave voiceless acquiescence to the pact. They would try to fin-

ish what so many had begun so long ago, and while they might

have wished it otherwise, they were all that were left to do so.

Silent shadows, the three men, the two women, and the

moor cat slipped out from the trees and down the mountainside

ahead of the coming light.


Two days following the destruction of the Creepers in the

Matted Brakes, the Elves attacked the Federation army

on the flats below the Valley of Rhenn. They struck just

before dawn when the light was weak and sleep still thick in

the eyes of their enemy. The skies were clouded from a rain

that had fallen all through the night, the air damp-smelling and

cool, the ground sodden and treacherous underfoot, the land

filled with a low-lying blanket of nrist that stretched away

from the Westland forests toward the sunrise. The grasslands

had the look of some phantasmagoric netherworld, shadows

shifting within the haze, skies black and threatening and press-

ing down against the earth, sounds muted and indistinct and

somehow given to suggest things not really there. Everything

took on the look and feel of something else. The timing was

perfect for the Elves.

They had not intended to attack at all. They had planned a de-

fense that would begin at the Valley of Rhenn and give way as

required back toward the home city of Arborion. But Barsim-

mon Oridio had arrived the day before, linking up at last with

Wren Elessedil and the advance column, bringing the Elven

army up to full strength for the first time, and after Elf Queen

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Categories: Terry Brooks