Talismans of Shannara by Terry Brooks

ehided. There were always limitations. The trick was in finding

out what they were.

He reached a clump of cedar backed up against a cliff and

turned into it, dropping again into a crouch to listen. He re-

mained as still as the stone behind him for long minutes and

350 The Talismans of Shaman

heard nothing. But the Shadowen were still out there, he knew

They were still searching, still scouring …

And then he saw them, two close at hand, easing through

the trees less than a hundred yards below, black-cloaked shad-

ows, advancing on his concealment. He felt his heart drop. If

he moved now, they would see him. If he stayed where he

was, they would find him. A great set of choices, he thought

bitterly. He still held the Sword of Leah, and his hands tight-

ened on the grip. He would have to stand and fight. He would

have to, and he knew how it was likely to end.

He thought back to the Jut, Tyrsis, Eldwist, Culhaven, and

all the other places he’d been trapped and brought to bay when

trying to escape, and he thought in despair and anger. You

would think that just once …

And then the hand closed over his mouth like an iron clamp,

and he was yanked backward into the trees.


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Categories: Terry Brooks