solely of correspondences–a trifle of it by telegraph,

the rest of it by mail. Every paragraph has the side-head,

“London,” “Vienna,” or some other town, and a date.

And always, before the name of the town, is placed a letter

or a sign, to indicate who the correspondent is, so that

the authorities can find him when they want to hang him.

Stars, crosses, triangles, squares, half-moons, suns–

such are some of the signs used by correspondents.

Some of the dailies move too fast, others too slowly.

For instance, my Heidelberg daily was always twenty-four

hours old when it arrived at the hotel; but one of my

Munich evening papers used to come a full twenty-four hours

before it was due.

Some of the less important dailies give one a tablespoonful

of a continued story every day; it is strung across

the bottom of the page, in the French fashion.

By subscribing for the paper for five years I judge that

a man might succeed in getting pretty much all of the story.

If you ask a citizen of Munich which is the best Munich

daily journal, he will always tell you that there is

only one good Munich daily, and that it is published

in Augsburg, forty or fifty miles away. It is like saying

that the best daily paper in New York is published out

in New Jersey somewhere. Yes, the Augsburg ALLGEMEINE

ZEITUNG is “the best Munich paper,” and it is the one I

had in my mind when I was describing a “first-class

German daily” above. The entire paper, opened out, is not

quite as large as a single page of the New York HERALD.

It is printed on both sides, of course; but in such large

type that its entire contents could be put, in HERALD type,

upon a single page of the HERALD–and there would still

be room enough on the page for the ZEITUNG’s “supplement”

and some portion of the ZEITUNG’s next day’s contents.

Such is the first-class daily. The dailies actually printed

in Munich are all called second-class by the public.

If you ask which is the best of these second-class

papers they say there is no difference; one is as good

as another. I have preserved a copy of one of them;

it is called the MU”NCHENER TAGES-ANZEIGER, and bears

date January 25, 1879. Comparisons are odious,

but they need not be malicious; and without any malice

I wish to compare this journals of other countries.

I know of no other way to enable the reader to “size”

the thing.

A column of an average daily paper in America contains

from 1,800 to 2,500 words; the reading-matter in a

single issue consists of from 25,000 to 50,000 words.

The reading-matter in my copy of the Munich journal

consists of a total of 1,654 words –for I counted them.

That would be nearly a column of one of our dailies.

A single issue of the bulkiest daily newspaper in the

world–the London TIMES–often contains 100,000 words

of reading-matter. Considering that the DAILY ANZEIGER

issues the usual twenty-six numbers per month, the reading

matter in a single number of the London TIMES would keep it

in “copy” two months and a half.

The ANZEIGER is an eight-page paper; its page is one

inch wider and one inch longer than a foolscap page;

that is to say, the dimensions of its page are somewhere

between those of a schoolboy’s slate and a lady’s

pocket handkerchief. One-fourth of the first page is

taken up with the heading of the journal; this gives it

a rather top-heavy appearance; the rest of the first page

is reading-matter; all of the second page is reading-matter;

the other six pages are devoted to advertisements.

The reading-matter is compressed into two hundred

and five small-pica lines, and is lighted up with eight

pica headlines. The bill of fare is as follows: First,

under a pica headline, to enforce attention and respect,

is a four-line sermon urging mankind to remember that,

although they are pilgrims here below, they are yet heirs

of heaven; and that “When they depart from earth they soar

to heaven.” Perhaps a four-line sermon in a Saturday paper

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