Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: It might help you in terms of the recapitulation part, but otherwise it won’t add much other than another story of her personal experiences.

M: Personally, I would rather that you read “The Way of the Wizard” by Depak Chopra. It emphasizes the search within the internal self, and it’s well written.

M: Susan Gregg, now of Hawaii, wrote a book, “The Dance of Power”. Susan gives classes also. Susan, in the book, relates her personal experiences with another nagual, but although the process is a little different, it doesn’t add much to the CC explanation through it is much more concise. Susan seems to be able to get into the second attention.


M: DNA is what “tags”: mitochondrial DNA. Many who have heard in their early childhood comments to the effect that “You are different,” in a typical childhood self-denial manner, it was simply easier and seems more appropriate to say “Nah! No way!” and THAT posture becomes “cynicism” as a systemic response within them: defensive. It’s observed and even projected that a person with these “societally different” tendencies, in the absence of appropriate nurture, would defensively modify his/her operating structure to ‘get along’ in society. The problem is, that there are other symptoms.

M: a. One of the immediate characteristics of the DNA pattern for “one like myself” (for lack of an appropriate term) are empathic responses. For example, the couple who connected myself with their daughter previously noted, on immediate 15 min meeting (her husband just wanted me to meet her in passing – he suspected something about her characteristics and my own) was instantaneously identified to be “like,” at the minimum an empath. After she left (she stopped by as we were having dinner, on the way to a business meeting) I admitted to her husband something about my perceptional attributes, that his wife and self were “the same,” and without any prior discussion between us concerning his wife, I told him all about her personality and the emotional problems she had been having. It was related that natural empaths have the problem that unaware of what they are, they become emotionally confused because they often cannot “know why” they are feeling the emotions that they are feeling when around others, and they attribute this to as defects in themselves rather than understanding that they are simply perceiving the emotions of others and don’t know how to separate them internally. This causes the natural empath to avoid others. If another rapidly moving toward them approaches too closely, they find defensive revulsion to the approach because they cannot deal with the perceived energy. (It’s as if the other who is approaching, is actually threatening contact, where in fact he/she is physically separated optically at a comfortable distance.) This is because the energy field is much larger around the person, and the energy field is what is perceived as threatening. In dealing with people, in social terms or business terms, the empath has emotional responses and confusion because what is being said verbally is NOT what is being experienced by perception when ‘the other’ does not speak the truth and has hidden agendas.

M: b. It is reasonable that “such a person,” a personal with this DNA based attribute set, would be something of a misfit in society, seeking to “be an individualist” and avoiding many normal social institutions, greeting those with cynical attitude – because of the perceptions of dishonesty, hidden agendas, that have been perceived for a long time.

M: c. It is reasonable that when “such a person” gets some hint that they need, not just for survival but for self-development, further information to explain something that they are feeling profoundly but have emotionally become tangled up with and perhaps negatively distorted into self-deprecations and isolation and not healthy objective skepticism but rather negative emotional cynicism, they will seek “others” to assist them, and golly-gee-whiz, books written by others that just might help explain what they have been suspecting and feeling for a very long time. Logically, the problem extends that they have been locked into a form of self denial for so long, that it’s become systemic, and then forming a breakthrough becomes difficult because they have locked-down for survival into their own self-imposed-boundary system.

M: Footnote: Relative to the couple, the sorceress and the seer, noted previously… after the husband, got through gasping that so much could be known in a brief social 15 minute meeting about his wife, we setup a schedule for the three of us to meet. My schedule didn’t permit this happening for a couple of months. When the schedule was enabled, about two or three weeks before we were going to meet for an evening, the wife was called on the telephone one evening. For the first time it was admitted/related to her in high detail exactly “what” she is, and some would say (gasp) “sorceress”. It was also stated to her that after a few hours together, our first “close time” that was scheduled, the result would be that she would say “you have changed my life forever, and I can never go back,” AND that some time after that during the same few hours, she would say “I love you” to me. To say the least, she was incredulous! She said that she is so conservative and careful (read “defensive”) that she would never, never, experience something like that with another that she had just met.

M: Long story shortened. The meeting evening came. We sat on the sofa, each on an end. Our legs were extended toward the middle that with the sofa back, made the form of a triangle. The husband positioned himself at the apex of the triangle, just outside of where our feet were, sitting on their coffee table. There were some light conversations to break the uncertainty. Attention was called to the woman’s….(soon to be “apprentice”) feet, and that they were feeling something. She responded “electricity and heat, wow, much more”. Attention was called about how these feelings were moving up and thorough her body. She gasped. She said that her whole being had become illuminated with energy that she did not understand. She was asked to describe all she could, and included in this was her understanding that she and self were somehow bonded together, as one being, and that she had no need of attempting to be private or defensive because we were “the same”.

M: She said: “I understand what and who you are, and because we are the same, what and who I am”. She continued: “This has changed my life, my existence, forever, and I can never go back to what I thought I was before”. Then, when the emotion of that moment calmed, she fell toward me and in full embrace said, “I love you unconditionally”. The three of us, the woman and self still combined with bonded cocoons and the husband as an observer, were deeply crying as we were overcome by the moment. The time this required to achieve was less than 6 hours. When the emotion was settled, the statements of the telephone call were brought into the conversation. Result: after the gasp; comic relief.

M: Now you know a little more.


M: I have a suggestion that at some point you might wander “through” the file and “insert” what each paragraph, or perhaps sub-section, actually means to you personally. The suggestion is to add two “inserts” after each paragraph or subsection:

M: a) The meaning, or if you prefer, significance of the subsection; and, b) Action item for you derived from the above.

M: (Just a suggestion.)

M: The point of this suggestion is not that this is intended for a review by myself. It is intended as a hard-written review for you. Hard-written comments sometime give pause for more feeling that just reading.


R: I was wanting some clues on directing healing energy.

M: I know; knew then; perceptions inform that this is insufficient.

R: Actually, I think I already know how to direct healing energy and am frustrated by the huge weight that lifting that knowledge feels to be. That is, it involves a kind of concentration I mentioned at the very begining and I then discribed as a kind of pressure.

M: The flow in the exercise that has already been described to you, will when optimized, cause energy to flow through body (with a little navigational intent for direction) up through your torso, symmetrically (hopefully) across your chest through your shoulders, down your arms and out your fingertips. This energy may be utilized to heal by flowing through and out the fingertips.

R: And I may die, and too bad, I won’t give myself over to drugs and knives … to the Eagle, perhaps, but not to drugs and knives. Foolishly or not – Rick

M: Oh boy. This sort of provides it’s own description, and it is unfortunate. The eagle has significance that is ultimate. Drugs and knives are only petty tyrants and all petty tyrants provide instruction.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos