Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: Perhaps.

Burt: Can we walk together to a place that neither of us have been?

M: (smile)


Burt: I have yet to try and find my hands in my dreams, but I think my correspondence with you has already inspired me to do so. I will begin immediately.

M: That is only preparatory to “finding one’s hands” in the third attention. In that state of being, there is wholly no physical form, so every image is constructed through intent. In the third attention, only the luminous form is normally present.

Burt: Hehe…I’m not sure that was the effect I was intending, and forgive my articulation. I don’t think that any obstacles are “impassable,” what can I not accomplish with intent? Then again, maybe that was the effect I was going for … I read in the words of Michael that you sent me … or rather …. inferred … that you, Rick, were at some kind of blockade in your progress and Michael was trying to help you overcome it. I was simply curious what that “blockage” was. What was preventing you from going forward.

Burt: As for me … I’m 21. I’ve been involved with the teaching for nine or so years. I have not tried to do many of the thing I know I could be trying, such as dreaming and stalking. I have simply given my best shot at living the life of a warrior and wait for my will. It seems that I have taken that as far as it can go, though. Having the privledge of meeting you, it has already shown me that I must make more of an active pursuit in “stopping the world,” in that way I will make myself available to “power.”

M: It is suggested that the term “power” be changed to “ability.” “Power,” as a term, has many connotations and most of those invoke dependencies.

Burt: Furthermore, I must intend my assemblage point to move to “the place of silent knowledge.”.. and in doing so obtain the tridimensional reference of the sorcerer.

M: The assemblage point is the location of the zone in the luminous form where the attributes converge into a locus, and accordingly be accessed by intent, simultaneously. If the assemblage point is moved prior to this understanding, threads and tendrils of one convergence of attributes might be enhanced, but others might be rendered inefficient.

Burt: And as I said above … I will be more impeccable pertaining to sleep, and utilize that time to begin developing my “dreaming attention.”

Burt: I am happy that I was able to help you…if only by giving you a different vantage of your situation. In reference to the things I mentioned above, I have a question, and I pose it to both readers.

Burt: Is there any danger to what I’m doing? Is there any danger to my life in “stopping the world” and intending my assemblage point to “the place of silent knowledge”? Can I safely do this on my own? I ask this because, I remember something from “Tales of Power” about…shrinking the tonal…how a man cannot live without the tonal, and the tremdous effort required to shrink the tonal has to be immeadiately reversed to sustain it again…

M: Caution offered above.

Burt: perhaps this is just a silly fear…

M: Fear, by itself, is only an expression of the ego. Impeccable concern, though, is always proportional and appropriate. The candidate may utilize “concern” as a checkpoint for purposes of self-evaluation.

Burt: Perhaps power will take care of my safety provided I am impeccable enough…

M: Please be careful with the word “power.” In this statement, it could be replaced with “Intent” or “ability.”

Burt: perhaps my intent will take care of any gaps in my understanding…

M: Good.

Burt: Still, I am interested in the thoughs of the readers.

M: Remember that “information” is only a piece that can lead to experience, but “information” by itself is “not” knowledge.


Bob: A most interesting thing occured this morning. While meditating for some time, the ally which is most familiar was present, and channeled, without request, but with warmest welcome neverless. This time, however, there was percieved to be 2, possibly, 3 other allies present.There was, however no channeling of the other allies, however they were here for a purpose, and their presence was percieved in the room very clearly.

M: Ah! Progress!

Bob: This had happened once several years ago, and can be described most aply as a sort of “surgery.” There was in fact, for a brief moment, a feeling that arms and legs had been dismembered from the body. This was not however alarming, ordisturbing/painful, in any way. It was then that the memory of the past experience aluded to above, was presented by the most familiar ally.

M: There are a couple of obvious pieces to the above. First, and perhaps the most obvious, a “test” related to fear. Dependent human-forms cling to almost anything that gives them satisfaction or an illusionary sense of self, and the body is by nature a major piece of this. In the third attention, one must learn to exist without any body or even reference to the body. So, the second issue in the test, is to probe not only the dependency/fear issue relative to the body, but to the dismemberment of it with the “hint” that energy flows from the third attention can compensate.

Bob: There also seemed to be some minor activity taking place in the body cavaty around the area of the stomach.

M: This has been “a place” where stress has been stored for a while. Another check point.

Bob: As this proceded there was a tremendos amount of movement of energy through the body, most specifically in the calves, then in the right dorsal side of the body (felt pronouncedly in the back). This even caused a feeling of IMBALANCE while hapining, but ended in a feeling of even MORE BALANCE between the two halves of the body after it was all over.

M: Tests can co-exist with waves of fields….

Bob: Most observable after effects being an increased feeling of wellbeing, and greater detachment. There also seemed to be a “hint’ of a much more profound contact with the ally than has been made before. This contact will be most likely visual as physical contact through channeling has been profound for over a year. This was seen as a preliminary “adjustment” which was necessary for this contact to occur. This contact has been requested for several days by self.

M: Generally, these sequences occur in ways that are preparatory, so you’re getting a real sense about what the fields of consciousness are about as they moved through your body, so that when you experience more the issue about the body and what it all feels like, will already be understood.

Bob: Also it is noted that the ally had been absent for several days, which seems to be a pattern. It seems to go away for a day or two before any “event” takes place.

Bob: This was far to profound to be an act of the immagination.

M: Understood.


Bob: The immersion in the ally’s field is exactly what I feel … it seems to decend upon me, for I am prone, and its energy body is much larger than mine, and it surrpounds me, then sends its energy through me. I feel it in my body because my energy body is in my body as well as around it. Actually, I am in my energy body. So I feel it in my body.

R: Bob, when you use the word “channel” do you basically mean “communicate”?

R: Michael, as for Bob’s allies piece; is this something that is taking place with the physical body or with the double, but in such close proximity as to be believed that it is the physical body experiencing what is actually the double experiencing.

M: Essentially, it is the latter case. In order for this manifestation to be as significant as Bob reports, where the perceptions and movements of fields propagate through the body, the alignment and proximity of the physicality and the double have to be quite in-phase and combined. From the report, there is come indication that there was a sort of “out-of-phase” oscillation between the two, and this resulted in the feeling of dismemberment in his body that he reported. When everything is precisely aligned, the energy of the fields tend to wholly saturate the body. This saturation is because the luminous form is quite large compared to the mechanical size of the body, so that when one becomes coupled to another, including an ally, the perception is one of immersion in the field of energy.

R: I’ve related to you my belief that for years I’d “known” that an unknown physical presence had rubbed my head and I had held tightly, it’s hand, and how it was just last years in another such experience that I’d made the distinction of it’s actually occurring in my, what I’ve called, dreaming body or double, in nearly identical position as my physical body . Is this what occurred here or is it actually possible for such contact to take place with the actual physical body.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos