Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: Reporters do not have to become ‘true masters’ to be effective in their intended task of providing information. To “re-evolve” it has to be known that there was evolution followed by reversion, and that is not necessarily the situation. There was, though, toward the end, huge diversion and distraction sourced by others with other agendas.

M: In order to ‘find the way’ it is necessary to be highly pro-active for self. Certainly, circumstance may isolate us (as in the case of my own childhood) however being cloistered as an adult is largely a matter of choice.

M: Many hunger for ‘the way’, and many get stuck in the security of preconceptions (which become dependencies quickly) content in their progress. In a way, this causes reflections for myself about my own status when I medically died five years ago. The report was made to you (in a prior E-mail) about my own arrogance about to what evolutionary level I had achieved, and wow, was I humbled and that lesson one does not forget and the recollection of that lesson causes humility when required, and with that a form of detachment (as you have used the term) that in turn causes a form of self-objectivity.

———- M: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was a philosopher and a mathematician, and his philosophical concept, or construction in concept, of spiritual forces of energy actually resemble very closely “the grid” (using the apprentice’s term previously noted) that I have conceptualized independently.

M: As projected in my “letter to the apprentice” that I copied to you, it was noted that it is possible that all of this has been known, or at least conceptualized by individuals or groups of individuals for a very long time: the example of Jacob was cited in that ‘letter’. Leibniz was very visionary and gifted for his time in his publications between 1675 and about 1714, and was influential. Some of his influences, though, were very misplaced and misdirected by others like Immanuel Kant who distorted the concepts for his own purposes.

M: Indeed, if we connect all of these ideas together, we find that the concepts have been projected and at least partially understood for a very long time.

M: Now, the question that begs to be asked: what has this effort brought as a benefit to…. Certainly his report to you is replete with scholastic thoroughness and even reasonable conclusion. What is missing is any suggestion that he has utilized the information as anything more than, well, academic information.

———- R: Again, thank you SO MUCH for your time.

M: You are very welcome. It is fully recognized that we are involved in a rather unusual form of evolution and the philosophy that must be ingrained in an individual in order to accomplish the goal. It’s delightful having your responses.

R: I think I won’t send any more of (snip)’s stuff. While your comments are helpful, perhaps that they were really responses to (snip)’s thoughts, I didn’t feel that “connected” to it.

M: They are responses to (snip)’s idea. She has quite a way to go along the path. It will be interesting to learn at what point she recognizes what the requirements are for her to go forward again, although she could stay content with her present evolution for a long time, perhaps forever.

R: I reread (actually, the computer read it, I listened) all of you first notes, (I’m compiling our correspondence on my word processor in one lengthening file).

M: What a very good idea. I’m quite certain that it will form an interesting compilation for you.

R: I will be trying the palm down exercise. I love listening to you. I noticed the references to love and am wondering why the word is never mentioned in CC/dJM’s stuff.

M: Don’t know. The ability to unconditionally love as an attribute speaks wonders and oceans of the evolutionary status of those who are capable of it. Most individuals have “conditional love”. This version of love is basically an economic version, as in, “I will or do love you for the following reasons and based on your behaviour and what you do for me.”. This form of love is basically a “dependent” love, and very much in keeping with the dependencies of the ‘human form’. Unconditional love is a very broad form that has no dependencies and that condition requires very high self-esteem and sense of self in the very broadest view.

R: I will reread the “intending to be sending love and openness to the power-grid-universe deal. There is much to absorb from your writings and, having absorbed some already I would better say, There is much to be absorbed, understood and put into practice … being it. Oddly, I just thought, that doesn’t require remembering it … when one is being it, that is. Something there about the power of silence, and yet, I must reread with the intent to become it.

M: Great! A very good observation. Being overwhelms the energy requirement to remember.

R: I discovered the piano when I sat down having never before touched the keys or any musical instrument, and found that the black keys all sounded good together and that excursions into the white keys solicited timing of sorts.

M: It may be that you will have the incentive to revisit composition and harmonic convergencies from the instrument that will impact your soul and stir memories of wonders past.

R: I noticed that you did not comment on my having had the sense of total blackness, of nothing, I’d said that there was terror with that sense; it wasn’t terror, it was … well, I don’t know what it was, it couldn’t be (that there is such a possibility) because I had the thought of it in the first place. Recalling that, however, I do marvel at why there is everything. It almost seems that the scale of “everything” is so beyond huge that it in some way, I don’t even know why I would have the thought; must also be that nothing.

M: There wasn’t much point to a comment because it speaks for itself. It is, of course, a requirement within your own impeccability to learn the striations of emotions and boundaries that form these manifestations.

R: But let’s say that I learn and experience what I do; well, that will always be the case for everyone. But there can be no end (as in “to what end?,” as a goal) to it and if there can be no end then all points along the way are equal: points alone the way … but it can’t be a way TO anything if there is no end so the notion of “total freedom” is just that, a notion. So are we to be learning tricks just for our amusement?

M: Ah, no: for freedom; eternal freedom; continuance as a coherent sentience. The attribute set that we establish in this “prototype” physically/organically based first-attention based existence, it the attribute/ability set that we will carry forever. It’s not sufficient “just” to escape consumption by the Eagle, if one is to prosper in the third attention. If you require more description about this concept, please let me know and I’ll try to provide analogies, although I believe this was transmitted previously during the description of one of my travels to/through the third attention. I don’t remember how much was conveyed to you at that time, however, all information was not provided.

R: ** Is the dreaming I’ve learned to control just more amusement?

M: Yes. It is the beginning of a basis. It forms the initial gateway to the second and third attentions. Much has to be learned in the second attention and carried “in being” to be prepared for the third attention and what will be learned in that reality. Travels and learning in the third attention have a ‘reality’ that makes any experience in the first attention seem vague by comparison.

R: When you (Michael) are what you are and when that is labeled, let’s say, more advanced along some supposed “way” … is it for the increased level of joy? of giving? of understanding? … but “to what end?”

M: Please ask this again after you have become more experienced with the “palms down” exposure and the perceptions that will be derived from this. There are enormous responsibilities poised for us beyond some level of evolution. In accepting the progression for self, one must accept the responsibilities or one cannot progress further.

R: If what I’ve wondered is true, that there can be no end … perhaps it is in the realm that I’ve never even begun to have any sense of, the notion of knowing without thoughts.

M: There ‘can’ be an end (as in the “food for The Eagle” metaphor) or there can be continuance forever with an attribute set frequently described or assigned to biblical figures. It is amazing as an experience, and validated only by experiences in the third attention. The key combined term, here, is ‘forever’ then to imply the “quality of existence” (the attribute set, the ability set that is earned by an individual). If you were to experience, just if, that you could continue into the infinity of time and space, with ‘what’ ability set would you choose: The ability to simply watch and observe but not interact or impact outcome; the ability to continue only by bonding out energy from others (as in the CC descriptions of the inorganic beings); the ability to have sufficient energy to be an ally or protector for others; or, something far larger? Ultimately, the choices we make within ‘the timeless now’ that moves timelessly through infinity and space, impact in a causal relationship the result of the attribute set we evolve to possess for ourselves. It is a matter of knowledge, intent, and will that eventually cause us “to be” in our being. ———– NOTE: Keep in mind that my part of this is broken up into sections so this first comment is added after Michael read the whole E-mail.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos