Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: There is, with some confidence in the statement, no significant difference or dichotomous conflict between what you have learned and what may be advanced through this dialogue. It might be significant to note that terms in the vocabulary may be altered, but not significantly the concepts.

R: I’m feeling rather greedy, actually, well, no need to go into that.

M: With most in society, greed toward some small and inconsequential thing (such as ‘status’ or other ego-driven artifacts) is very different than what you might intrinsically experience as ‘greed’. Since you brought it up, it is suggested there probably “is” a need to go into it, or it would not have been mentioned above – however – you must define the ‘need’ in this dialogue, it cannot be defined by myself nor is it acceptable for this to be defined even vaguely as an agenda sourced by myself.

R: When I become annoyed by the internal dialogue’s persistence — it’s an almost physical frustration like a pressure that cannot be overcome and the moments when I manage to switch to listening at those times it’s as though I’m having to physically hold something back — well, not exactly physically — a frustrating pressure of some sort.

M: Ah, perhaps it is simply an intrusion on yourself, within yourself, built on internal conflicts.

R: I’m going to work to start dreaming again and I will intend to find you in that dreaming. I have no idea if this is possible.

M: It is possible, and you may find more than just myself. In particular there is an image of a sentient who prefers to take the image of a blond woman, and she may interact with you. Should you find an image of myself, the colors and shape of the image will inform you by themselves.

R: It seems to always be the case that most cannot see me in volitional dreams, at least that is my perception, and in the past I would at times take advantage for physical pleasure. I’ve stopped doing that as a choice — don Juan’s instruction in, I believe, The Art of Dreaming.

M: As an observation, attempting to ‘be physical’, even in dreaming, often confuses/convolutes the process: separating pure energy as sentience from the physical. This, after all, is the path of the ultimate migration into ultimate evolution.

M: Somehow there is a perception that certain segments, facets, of your impeccability have not yet been defined, and although it is vague for me the perception is that is has something to do with ‘the physical’ and perhaps conflicts between your energy form and ‘the physical’.

R: Michael, I do appreciate your time, thank you.

M: You are welcome, as always.


R: I mentioned “greed.” It was related to your earlier stated “the concern is only that reports of my evolution be taken as ‘reports’ and not some form of human-form need.” I won’t mention it again.

M: Certainly, there is no requirement to “cap” any specific discussion item provided that it’s not brought to closure. To a significant extent, dialogues such as this are intended to bring about reflection that may be utilized toward recapitulation, gaining energy in “the now” that otherwise might have been lost in “the past.”

R: You’ve said “Since the process, by your report, has been interrupted then there is a suggestion that either something has gotten in the way, or that somehow you are being subjected to “a test” of your impeccability.” Perhaps, Michael, you are correct about “a test”. It was about four years ago that I first noticed a new unusual mole on my skin and another dark spot close by. I considered skin cancer but didn’t educate myself in that regard and, as I didn’t feel bad, did nothing. About three years ago I began to have many different physical irregularities. In Oct. of 98 I switched to a macrobiotics diet.

M: The signals had obviously begun, but then it’s easy to see in hindsight, even for me …

R: That lasted until Christmas of 98 as there was no real feeling of impending doom in me. On 2-26-99 I was prompted by something to investigate melanoma and suddenly, finding a few educational web sites, believed (beyond a doubt) myself to have “third stage melanoma.” I immediately started doing what I’ve “known/believed” was right to do since the early 70’s: I’ve had no refined products of any kind since that day. I started a garden and now raise wheatgrass which I drink the juice of. I never eat anything that may be chemicalized, stopped using deodorant or soap or toothpaste — I use baking soda for those things, which actually works better — I practice deep breathing. And we will see. Perhaps I waited to long to find “death as an advisor,” … we will see. I have seen in these last four months five of seven conditions disappear and I fully expect the other two to go as well. Perhaps this is the test. I must trust (I have to believe) that my rapidly rebuilding immune system will fix all.

R: Michael, I’ll write your response to me about this paragraph for you. Here is what I’d say were I you having read that:

R: Dear Rick,

R: It was interesting hearing about your physical challenges. What I know about it is that you will either die from it, or you won’t. We each have the freedom to choose our course in such matters and those choices produce whatever results they produce. Obviously, everyone would give you their slant on it were you to ask others advise and you seem to have had the doctors advise through the web pages already so, really, what more can another say if you’ve decided to go the way of natural methods, but, all the best to you. I would add that only you will know it your way is truly “your way.” That is to say, you will know if you are following “your way” impeccably or not. Your challenge then would be to “push yourself beyond your limits,” as don Juan advised Carlos, at that point there would be no room for doubts. Any less than that and you leave room for doubt.

M: Geeze, not badly written at all … very directed … We all have various approaches and tests that surface with us on the ‘way of knowledge’. I have found, for myself, that when it’s all said and done, it is wholly necessary to view oneself, as in a mirror, and say with whole and unflagging impeccability: “I have done my best”. I lost a daughter (age 11) to leukemia many long years ago (1972) and when it was ‘done’, being able to say without qualification that “I did my best” for her, and ourselves, was paramount.

R: I’ve been noticing how … it’s all made up … this world of man, all of it.BR>

M: The ‘realities’ that we have are individual indeed. “We”, those who seek the way of knowledge, have a huge advantage because we can evolve to accept that there are in fact various realities, many of our own construct, and that we are free to alter these to facilitate ourselves as we progress through our processes of evolution.

R: I so much want to experience the second attention in waking hours … as the shock that knocks my socks off don Juan talks about.

M: As you might have gathered, my experiences have taken me not only frequently through the second attention, but into the third attention as well on several occasions. It has been a fascinating adventure. Travels into the third attention have occurred in two modes: with my body in a form of stasis; and on two occasions, with my body clinically dead. It is interesting to note that in these two forms, although the purpose of the travel into the third attention varied on each occasion (different lessons to be learned) the process, perceptions, feelings were ‘the same’ (body dead or not). Perhaps one of the most fearful items that is required to facilitate this travel into the ultimate reality of the third attention was to ‘let go’ totally of all that was normal reality. The process of entry into the third attention can be a slow migration, as in the NDE reports of “drifting toward the light of warmth”, however my experiences are that this is only an advanced form of the second attention wherein the luminous sphere of our being may be viewed. The ‘third attention’ is found “beyond the light” that individuals report during clinical death, noting that “the light” is (by my experiences) a boundary before travel into the third attention. When travelling “beyond the light”, it is possible to move uninhibited through time and space at what is perceived to be light speed, and then arriving at a destination point, others may be met and at the highest level, conjoined. As one trained in the electrodynamics of electromagnetic wave physics, there are projections that the electrodynamics of quantum mechanics holds our sentient consciousness.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos