Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

Ed: Michael, in TFFW, DJ talks about using new emanations to cause the assemblage point to shift. When the new emanations (attributes) are used then the assemblage point is greater than it was before. But he is still talking about shifting the assemblage point. I understand you to be saying something somewhat different in that the assemblage point itself has to be assembled by bringing togetrher all of the different roads (attributes) to form the hub and use it. Have I got this right?

M: The assemblage point shifts to the most efficient point of gathering the “attributes”, something like a demographic shift for population density in a map. DJM and self are really saying the same thing. As the attributes are defined and located, they are “not” necessarily “brought to” the assemblage point. The assemblage point moves to the most efficient position relative to the attributes. Also, as those “on the way” evolve, their understanding, ability to utilize, and converge into efficiency the attributes can shift the assemblage point as a normal part of the process. The assemblage point can also be shifted “by will” when it becomes learned that it is in an inefficient position, but this ties together with what has been related above, and it can indeed enhance a person’s abilities to accomplish this.

Bob: From experience it has been understood that the point of no pity, which I have had the clearest experience of, while in a way it had qualities, these qualities were actually the byproduct of the way it made me look at the world. They were secondary.

Ed: I thought the same thing.

M: Certainly. The point attempted to be made is that there are many realities of the view, and there are attributes within each of these realities.

M: Just more attributes.

Bob: To clarify what I mean, the movement to the place of no pity caused me to look at life and death, persons and myself, in a new light. This new way of perceiving caused me to have qualities, such as detachment, that I did not have in the normal position of the assemblage point.

M: The analogy is that as one develops attributes, and begins to gather them (otherwise said: assemble them) then the point-density of “where” these assemble in the luminous cocoon is by definition – shifted.

Bob: Most of the Qualities you mentioned, Ed, seemed to be qualities one has while immersed in the human form, and how these qualities change when one drops the human form. However, a person can have BOTH qualities when in the human form, but will tend to vacillate between the two extremes of each quality … like from pride to self denigration.

Ed: I agree. However, if I’m understanding Michael correctly, the goal is to lose the human form by focusing on the positive attributes and eliminating the negative. Gee, there used to be a song that goes something like this: You have to eliminate the negative and latch on to the affirmative, and don’t mess with Mr. in-between. Bob, you are probably too young to remember that song 🙂

M: Yes. There is a secondary and tertiary level to consider. When the negatives are gone, usually as a system of strata – one at a time – they usually leave residue in the positives, so the task becomes a little more complex to learn how the residuals of the negatives have diminished to positives which then are free (unincumbered) to be enhanced.

M: Hope this helps. It’s rather simple, actually.

———- Bob: Hello Michael … et all

Bob: My small fry petty tyrant, here at work, the woman I spoke to you about who criticizes everybody and every thing, when she would talk to me, I simply said , yes, yes … etc. to everything she said, stopped judging her and what she should and should not do, and just did not listen to a lot of the things she said that were so hateful.

M: Understood, based on this and prior conversation. We can “never” (an absolute statement) participate in the negatives of petty tyrants.

Bob: I did this all last week, and on Wednesday evening she told me that there was something wrong with me because I did not complain any more … I laughed and told her she might think about the absurdity of what she had just said. The next day she apologized, but she said she guessed she would have to find someone else to complain with, and that misery loved company. And though she talks to me some, she doesn’t talk to me much, and she stopped complaining to me. (smile) Imagine that. The way to get rid of her was simply to be detached and impeccable.

M: Yahooooo! Confirmation of discovery! ————- NOTE: At the risk of breaking with my set ways, I’m going to include Michael’s original E-mail on to Bob’s following question, and then include it again with Bill’s questions/Michael’s replys.

Bob: How do you open a doorway to the 2nd and 3rd attention?

M: The “noisy” mind must be dead quiet and warmed in high self-esteem, without fear or dependencies so that the fields/energy of self can, without reluctance or hesitancy, allow itself to (by intent) be projected beyond the body. In stages, first the luminous form is seen. It tends to be constructed from a series of tendrils, that look electric, extending initially from the body. The color and striations of these tendrils indicate the intensity, and the trick is to learn how to do this without draining any energy in any form of exertion. The luminous cocoon develops in intensity and form, and extends in dimension. Then, the assemblage point becomes dramatically visible. The level of the “ability” at this point becomes understood both through the coherence of the assemblage point, it’s color, and the color of the luminous cocoon. When first seen, it is an awesome site, then one eventually becomes accustomed to it’s being.

M: When that distraction is removed and becomes understood, in peace and the love that the coherence of unconditionality causes, on intent and will, without exertion, a focus toward the universe will cause a torus to open. It has a shape and a form, but this will not be described now to protect your objectivity. The torus is a gateway into the third attention. Those who have clinically died and lived in the light have not experienced having the light extend and open into the third attention through the torus. The torus form is bi-directional. If one simply wills to open the torus, allies can travel to the candidate and lead one through the torus, through a tunnel formation, into the third attention, or one can will oneself. At that point of travel, the impact could be staggering if the human form is not lost, and under that condition the torus would collapse and one would become back with frustration instantly as a human form in the 1st attention. If the human form is sufficiently lost, then the candidate travels through the torus, through the gateway torus, into the tunnel, and existence, with or without clinical death of the body, for the sentient consciousness of the individual is wholly in the third attention.

M: What is seen and experienced then, is again awesome.

M: This is more than has been described to you before. It is both as a process and as an experience as or more real than any individual can ever describe until it is experienced. It is the ultimate evolution of all sentience: to return to the universe in the form of energy from with all life and matter was derived.

M: Please take this description carefully: it is, real; and, now you know more.

M: Love

M: Michael


NOTE: As promised, here is the question answer version.

Bob: How do you open a doorway to the 2nd and 3rd attention?

M: The “noisy” mind must be dead quiet and warmed in high self-esteem, without fear or dependencies so that the fields/energy of self can, without reluctance or hesitancy, allow itself to (by intent) be projected beyond the body. In stages, first the luminous form is seen. It tends to be constructed from a series of tendrils, that look electric, extending initially from the body.

Ed: Are we talking about visually “seeing” one’s own body or are you talking about creating a visual picture in one’s mind?

M: No. Seeing. Being expanded and simultaneously enveloped. It’s real as seeing sunlight, but more interesting.

M: The color and striations of these tendrils indicate the intensity, and the trick is to learn how to do this without draining any energy in any form of exertion. The luminous cocoon develops in intensity and form, and extends in dimension.

Ed: Would you please define dimension?

M: Size, mechanically said. The higher and the freer the individual, the farther out the extension of the cocoon is. An apprentice who has been engaged in , a mid-40’s woman, has a cocoon on release of about a 3 meter radius from her center of being, and it has been expanding as she becomes freer.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos