Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: On leaving their house, I said: to the daughter, “You hold in your metaphorical hands, access to the power of the universe. You are the daughter of a sorceress and a seer, and with that comes an awesome responsibility because you can bring others to the same destiny.”.

M: Since then, with mission accomplished, there hasn’t been much need for frequent contact between us: unconditional love was established long ago. For a time I thought that this woman was intended in the role that Carol Tiggs played, and then appeared another woman, … and still others!. You might be interested to learn that the husband of the couple noted above, is no less than a director for a major computer company a position that he willed himself to gain one day after his transition.

M: There are many stories that could be told, however this one example should be sufficient.

R: Someone wrote to me the other day wanting to know if I knew of any warriors in their area. I explained that (and I did say this thinking of you alone) … well, I’ll paste what I said here:

R: “As for ‘warriors in your area,’ even if I knew your area, I’m thinking that in all the E-mail I’ve received in the last 30 months my compilation has been posted, only one person struck me as perhaps fitting the description of “warrior.” I certainly don’t fit it, I just love the books and spent the time compiling them but am far from living it … not that I’ve given up. Anyway this one person gave me a bit of encouragement and here is part of what he said: “As an observation, those of us who choose to engage ourselves … ”

R: That was your impeccability paragraph that I’ve sent on to about four people now.

M: Thank you. The “warriors in the area” comment though does highlight a major societal point: people seem to want a quick path. Actually, I’ve held back substantially writing a book, or attempting to engage within society in any real sense, for reasons: 1) the information is already “out there”; 2) there are traps in the denigration of self-importance that larger exposure can bring and the societal flap that comes with that (Depak Chopra comes to mind); a rather small percentage (based on perceptions and observations) are capable of intrinsically accomplishing the task in any case.

M: There is no doubt in my experience that DNA predisposes some to be driven into ‘the way’ just as a matter of personal need, if not personal survival (let alone evolution), and this better describes my own impetus. Others have the ability and for whatever reason nibble on the fringes and hold on the fringes, partially self-contained for whatever reason and in the knowledge that more is possible. This, of course, appears to describe your situation however something that is far too shallow an explanation: there is more turmoil that that simplistic description could provide.

R: Between the books and the notes you’ve already sent me I could find my way, it seems. I really hate to impose on people, and more, ask for what I don’t think I deserve.

M: **Somewhere when I was rather young (pre-teen, I’m certain) a concept was developed: if one has ‘an ability’ (which I prefer to term “an attribute”) it must be for a reason; and, commensurately, that the greatest negative impact to self would be NOT to utilize “the attribute set” for the reason intended. Within that concept unfolds significant responsibility: every ability has attended to it a responsibility; and that responsibility can be profound. Utilizing the attribute set brings rewards: there is nothing really nothing altruistic (Ayn Rand was correct).

R: **I wish that you would show up in one of my volitional dreams and convince me to be more serious about taking the way of knowledge.

M: Ah, well why should I (or anyone) when you already know what you have to do, but for whatever reason – don’t execute it? You might be prepared for lessons in your dreams from an ally that on occasion will migrate down to as low as the second attention, but has the ability of impelling one into the third attention. The ally, who you might have already met or had brief contact with, prefers to take the form of a blond woman. The purpose of these contacts is to graphically demonstrate, in almost a soap opera form, where you are in terms of your commit and any weaknesses that are in the way of your progress. One thing is certain should you have this contact: it will be graphic and clear; perhaps even more ‘crisp’ that anything that can happen to you in the normal first attention.

M: You might be interested to read a communication or two that have been exchanged with another apprentice, a woman who, at about age 45, has ramped into ‘attributes’ rather quickly. For this person, there is a strong impetus also driven by her DNA. I’ll copy a piece of our exchanges to you and perhaps this will assist. In doing this, there is no conflict or violation in privacy between her and myself.


More to come … let me know what you think about it. – Rick

Dialogue On The Way Of Knowledge – Part ll

I’ve decided to add, what I’m calling, Dialogue on the Way of Knowledge, to my site, Carlos Castaneda’s don Juan’s Teachings. It began Mon, Jun 28th, 1999, when I received an E-Mail from Michael. I will use “M:” to begin his comments, R: to begin mine. This is part two of the dialogue. It continues where part 1 left off.


(Note to readers: We don’t have the E-mail written to Michael that prompted his reply. It is pretty much self explainatory, however.)

M: To an apprentice FROM MICHAEL

M: You noted that “things are looking a bit odd” to you, and probably there are several reasons including the ones previously noted demonstrating the “connection” between ourselves and the universe and also quite probably the changes that have occurred within yourself.

M: Also, you asked some questions, so I’ll attempt to respond to those.

Apprentice: 1. What do we need these heavy bodily vehicles for?

M: The process requires evaluation from the broadest wide-angle view. In my understanding of the evolutionary process, we, and for that matter all of humanity, followed the path of classic evolution from a collection of cells into a far more involved complex organism into the development of true sentient consciousness. The interaction of that sentience with the organic body that facilitated the development of sentience, is intense to the extent that through thought and will, energy that has been produced through cellular interactions within the body can be directed and focused by and through our consciousness. In other words, we need our bodies initially during our evolution as sources of energy for our sentient consciousness to use in turn, in it’s own development. This process of interdependency continues until the energy of our consciousness develops to the point where the energy (and therefore the dependency) of the body is no longer required.

M: We know, through science, that the “glue” that holds all matter together is comprised of electric fields between the molecular clusters that are appropriate for the particular form of matter. In organic systems, the molecular clusters are really the genetic cells within our bodies. Science has shown that the mechanical separation between these cells is about 300 nanometers (300 times 10 to the -9th power). The electric field intensity across the 300 nanometer boundaries is about 10 to the 7th power (ten million volts/meter). Although it isn’t proven at this point, my suspicion/projection is that “we” (meaning you and I and others like us) have learned/are learning, to access a portion of these fields, which can then be directed and focused through our “ability” (will).

M: The nature of our sentient consciousness (what religions would term “the soul”) probably resides in substructures within our brains that the noted mathematician Roger Penrose (who has shared awards with Stephen Hawking) terms “microtubules”. (It was refreshing to learn that another was contemplating these concepts in a manner that complemented my own projections.) What Penrose hypothesizes is that the standard model of our brains of dendrites and synapse links cannot possibly explain sentience simply because there are not even vaguely enough of these to perform the complexities of what true sentience would require. Accordingly, Penrose asserts that the synapse links must be something like a wide-area network that serves to interconnect far more complex and intricate structures together, and these probably exist at the subatomic level within microtubules.

M: Given all of these concepts, which tend of course to match my own speculations if not projections, the process of our evolution probably follows the path that our microcellular DNA pre-programs (something like a micro-code in computers) our organic systems to build our bodies and our sentience, and that these inherited characteristics (memories of prior-lives could be stored in DNA, for example) predispose us toward certain characteristics of evolution. Science has shown that at least fifty percent of what we call “personality” is probably pre-determined by our DNA coding, and that specific “abilities” or talents/attributes (religions would say “gifts”) are all held within that micro-code of DNA.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos