Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: From this expansion, you might be able to intuit how we close every dialogue, every verbal conversation, every e/mail: “I love you”; and, this expression among those who have completed, or are near completion of, their process is unconditional and even irrevocable by the definition of unconditionality. There are additional benefits to this “state of being”, as you might suspect, however at this time it is a bit premature to attempt expansion of that further in our dialogue. If you wish to contemplate what this might really mean, however, I will respond.

R: Moving along with your guidance.

M: Congratulations on your progress.


R: Hi Michael,

R: I was just listening to Art Bell on Broadcast.com’s archives of his shows at: http://ww2.broadcast.com/artbell/sept99.stm and clicking on Thursday Night / Friday Morning 09/30/1999 — Then one hour and 10 minutes in, starts an interview with Dr. Evelyn Paglini (qep@msn.com). She claims to be a practicing witch. I’ve not paid attention to this kind of stuff in the past. It was quite interesting and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. I used to think it was all a bunch of crap, but am now recalling all of the references to similar stuff in CC books that I left out of the compilation. Any comments on the possibilities of another’s influencing, say, health, through spells? I can’t believe I’m asking you that. I’ve always “known” that even if there was such possibility that I could never be effected by it. I wonder. It all seems, if it is so, that it is on the wrong side of the coin. This, Evelyn, just commented (I’m listening as I write) “knowledge is a double edged sword.” I really hope you will listen to it and tell me what you think.

M: Quick note to let you know I’ve received this and haven’t had time to listen to the Art Bell piece, though I will as soon as activity permits. I did listen to the “intro” piece and it seems interesting enough to merit the whole story. In the absence of this, my reply might be too limited, so it’s important for me to gain the information.

R: I believe it was in the last hour, a fellow called in and mentioned himself being a, I thought he said “gardener,” Dr. Paglini apparently thought he said “Guardian” and she mentioned a thousands of years old group called the guardians that she was a member of. That triggered in me the memory of the before referred to dream where I was “split” and fell backwards into a new dream where the two men were and said “this is what temptation is like” bla bla, … but before that point in that dream I’d asked about my exercise program (at the time it was something I called “an exploration of the infinity which is balanced movement at changing speeds) … I forget what I asked exactly but I remember the tall guys reply “we are the guardians” … I took that to mean that he was including me but did not comment on it further. Hearing this woman made me wonder about it more.

M: Rick! Finally, I managed to finish listening to the Dr. Evelyn Paglini piece. My action was to bite this off in pieces and take notes because of the large time block otherwise required.

M: There was a lot discussed, obviously, so here are my comments. You might have some specific questions that I don’t cover, so ask away.

M: 1. Dr Evelyn is very knowledgeable, obviously, however much of her “knowledge” comes in the form of studied information. She does discuss the “5 Levels” of ability, which with some modification compared to my own description about what each level implies agrees with my understanding. She openly states that she is on the lower end, seemingly with the idea that if she can “do this or that at this level, the listener could imagine what would happen at a higher level. My “impression” of her is is that she is about at a Level 2, and has been stuck there for quite some time. This happens when the student sets up boundaries and uses those boundaries as references. Being stuck at Level 2 also means that she requires far too many artificial “props” in ritual forms and as symbols (candles, oils et al) to help her gain focus that higher, more evolved forms, do not require.

M: 2. This particular discussion of the show focused on the dark side. With changes in terminology, much of what has been said is true. Unfortunately for humanity, most are pathetically weak (we’ve had this discussion in the past) and are “eagle food” and they are subjected to parasites that usurp their energies, and often even their lives.

M: 3. Much of society is, in fact, highly manipulated and their fear does not allow that to be seen, and yes the intent is to keep fear and ignorance in place so that the sheep can be used.

M: 4. The “energy beings” that Dr. Evelyn notes are ubiquitous in the universe. From the view of the universe there are no aliens, only neighborhoods. She places way too much emphasis on humanity being “seeded” by aliens, simply because we are all derived from universal energy that is as ancient as the universe itself, and I find it laughable to place these discussions in terms of “aliens” because that is a very simple human-centric view.

M: 5. There does exist a group of what might be called “guardians”. They do not use that term since labels for the truly accomplished are not acceptable, and everything “just is”. Suffice it to say that this group is highly accomplished, and they form something like an umbrella organization. Their purpose is to “guide” others to evolve. Their candidates are identified partially through their DNA predispositions and subsequently through the independent actions that individuals take. Once the candidate is identified, s/he is contacted either through visions or seemingly verbalized communication (really telepathic) rather much in the manner reported variously by biblical figures. If the candidate does not become self-important and can gather sufficient loss of the human form to “simply be” as an individual, or in the early phases, demonstrates a goal to do so, the candidate-apprentice becomes a fully-engaged candidate and a profound series of “tests” commences to validate that the candidate is committed to the way of knowledge, which facilitates evolution. By bringing others into their fold, the sentient energy in the universe itself is increased and a form of collective knowledge is gained. Also, suffice it to say, this consortium is well known to myself and as nearly as can be determined, they have been around for about seven Earth millennia in slowly increasing numbers and they formed the basis of some of the reports of Jacob in the Old Testament, for example.

M: 6. The “energy cones” that Dr. Evelyn reports take two forms: one as a pathway; one as sentient beings; and, they can be seen and experienced. Jacob, renamed as “Israel”, of the old testament called these “ladders” (my term has always been “columns”) and hence the term “Jacob’s ladders” which is a very poor description of what Jacob really tried to describe as “pathways, or ramps”. “Israel”, meaning “struggle with god”, came upon this individual description because he resisted his progression and formed in fact a struggle with his boundaries which like all early boundaries met with primitive terms and descriptions.

M: 7. The practitioners of ‘the dark side’ are basically forms of the petty tyrants that DJM discussed, and they only exist because they have victims to supply them. All practitioners of the dark side are stuck at low levels, and in the stratification of things, they can only impact lower forms of evolution.


M: There is a piece that you might be missing, or at least it might be significant for this to be stated.

M: There is a transition that occurs when one can “just let go” and merge with positive energy, into the universe. The “let go”, of course, means the dependencies of the human form – BUT – there are precursors that can jump-start the process. If you can do your “exercise”, and literally feel the energy of the universe, and allow it to flow through your being as the course of a river (this takes some letting go by itself) then as this process continues, “feel” the energy and commit to all in the universe that you wish to be open and to conjoin – as a commit – your life and your fortunes will change as long as you stay committed. When you feel the tendency, after this commit, to withdraw into the confined shell of your body, if you refuse this temptation and rather than suck in your energy, do the reverse and allow it to connect and flow once again, you’ll be exhibiting evidence of the commit and your processes will be further facilitated.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos