Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: In 1957 (just before age 16) there was a motorcycle accident and that started a new process. I had no preparation for the connections in the third attention that were initiated then.

M: Moving the story ahead for efficiency, my progress was one of erratic fits and starts through to about the age ~35-ish. Then, in about 1975/6 I connected to a mentor who was a member of a psychological group, and he was the third person, in a sequence of three, to connect to me. He was an empath, very able, and to make a long story shorter he taught me how to project myself beyond the body. There was again a period of fits and starts as identification was difficult, but I worked with him until about 1980, although there was continued activity with him through about 1983. I fell off the path again in denial to about 1988 when my body started to fail – again – and this time the time had finally come to “get on the way and stay there”.

M: By about 1989 many of the denials and blocks were gone through intent, and the first travel into the third attention occurred circa 1991 probably due to the preparation and events that went before. In the third attention, it was amazing. Although the peace of projecting my consciousness beyond my body to travel was wonderful and taught about 1978 by my mentor of the time (it was essentially identical to the descriptions of those who had clinically died and “seen” the light, but this was by my volition and ability on my will) the time seemed to have come for me to be compelled toward my evolution. While on a trip, in the middle of the night, basically I was “catapulted” into the third attention to be instructed by members of what I’ve come to call “the consortium”. They wanted to demonstrate to me where I had been failing, that “this” was real, but they didn’t let me really interact: they allowed me to observe their conversations about me. In essence, the conversation went along the direction of, “well, he’s here, he’s figured it out to know how to continue and what evolution is about, now, what do we do with him?”.

M: There were other travels to the third attention, and each travel was conjoined with different individuals, instructing different things.

M: Then, in 1994, again there was experienced clinical death. Gone. Poof. Flatline. The travel into the third attention was essentially identical as had been previously experienced without clinical death. On this occasion, there was a meeting with seven luminous forms. (It almost always starts with the sentients being in the luminous forms, but then they present themselves in a more human shape on their will.) On this occasion, there was no need any longer to modify their appearence, and we all stayed in the luminous form of pure being. On this occasion I was given the opportunity of halting my progress and continuing into the third attention – forever – BUT it was demonstrated by example just WHAT it was intended that my evolution yield, and WHY I hadn’t achieved that by that point. Basically, I was admonished and scolded, and it was a humbling experience. The basis of my lack of evolution was the remaining threads of human form: arrogance that thought I was more evolved than I actually was. (On a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 is the ultimate, I had thought I was a 4 but learned that only a 3 had been achieved.) So, given the choice of failing “my path” or returning back to the training ground of the 1st attention, connected almost always simultaneously to three attentions forever, ON MY WILL, and on my intent – I returned at light speed back into my body to the sounds of an ER staff shouting “He’s back. We’ve got him!”.

M: So the process continued, and my existence changed yet again, forever. There were other instructionally based travels to the third attention, but I became weary and isolated. On Mother’s Day, 1998, there was another flatline, and again there was the decision: do you NOW continue into the third attention or finish the task. This was a clear test yet again, and when I responded it was as if the whole universe echoed and resonated with my decision to continue the process. The subsequent travels to the third attention were now with a much larger group: the majority or perhaps the whole, of the consortium. Finally, a very detailed expose’ occurred where it was revealed very precisely what was intended and what the responsibilities at that level of evolution were to be. It was overwhelming.

M: For almost two years, it was decided to “hold back”. This was yet again a symptom of the human form reluctance to let go. Also, it was recognized that once the intentional “blocks” were released, the final stage would be engaged, that my existence would again change forever, and from that point not much could quite be the same again.

M: The block was removed about the time the decision was made to contact Rick, mid-last year. The result on a personal basis, in terms of experiences and evolution, were exactly as anticipated and never again can isolation or holding back ever occur again.

M: Now you know more, and some of this is new to Rick. You, Linda, are a component of this process.

M: (Whew).

L: Did it have in the beginning some personal link to Carlos Castaneda himself or his original group?

M: No, not directly. CC himself had almost no “power”. DJM had called him something like a “scribe” or a “reporter” and that is what he was. My own ancestry has it’s own processes. When I met CC and his group, it was clear that their processes and their heritage was relatively new. For a while it was tempting to inform them that there were parallels that had more continuity than they might understand, but it was decided that it would accomplish nothing so it wasn’t engaged. CC in the later years derived his “ability” through a woman named who does have the “attributes”.

L: I know that you will tell me only what I am “ready” to be told, so I feel comfortable enough asking this question.

M: Done.

M: My name is Michael: I can only be myself. The time had come, in rather quick form, to open more to you. The processes of your evolution are on the threshold of escalating, in fact, this has already started.

L: I am quite amazed by this whole process. I was always very much confused between my real being and some alien and confusing mind installed in me that took charge and kept me busy trying to fix myself. The un-doing that you spoke about in a previous note must be done. Seriously, the only thing I am doing to un-do myself is having the intent and being aware of staying impeccable as much as I can. Should I work harder?

M: Work with a form of quiet and peaceful intent. Learn to love yourself unconditionally. At the point where you are in your evolution, it is “highly” suggested that “your work” with yourself be based in an impeccable way that does “not” exert yourself. If it feels like a struggle, it’s probably wasting energy, and that is a violation of impeccability.

M: Those who have lost the human form (Rick has an interesting file when he concluded something between he and self some time ago) have the ability to unconditionally love.

L: If this is possible I would very much like to read this file.

M: Ask Rick to copy you….

M: This is a state of being that implies no dependencies, and no need even of reciprocity.

L: Reciprocity is also a “name”, an invention of the ego to keep us busy, isn’t it?

M: Reciprocity is a process, a function.

L: Thank you Michael for your presence

M: In a way, with you, it’s tempting to say that there is “no choice”, so for now the traditional “you’re welcome” is appropriate. Please think about the former statement though and see if you can discern what that means.

L: Peace for all

L: Linda

M: Peace,

M: Michael

Dialogue On The Way Of Knowledge – Part VIII

I’ve added, what I’m calling, Dialogue on the Way of Knowledge, to my site, Carlos Castaneda’s don Juan’s Teachings. It began Mon, Jun 28th, 1999, when I received an E-mail from Michael. I will use “M:” to begin his comments, R: to begin mine. This is part eight of the dialogue. It continues where part VIl left off.


M: Hummmm. Intensity is perceived.

B: Had the strangest damn dream last night… I was about 7 to 9 years old, but I wasn’t ME.

M: Are you certain that it was not a representation of you? Innocent? Young? Unsuspecting? Dreams can often be the expression of self that cannot be accessed in normal first attention awareness, and they can be full “second attention” experiences that engage in interchanges with allies. Both conditions, self-invoked or not, have the impact of second attention experiences simply because “the dream state” may offer access to information and experiences that are “blocked” in the processes of normal awareness of the first attention.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos