Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

Ed: I do feel others emotions quite strongly. Therefore, I’ve been careful (on a sub-concsious basis) to avoid crowds, yelling and screaming and especially loud rude individuals. When I was in the world of work, I could feel other’s emotions during meetings and would often come home emotionally drained as I seemed to absorb all of the negative energy being expended.

M: These are quite normal “symptoms,” if you will allow, and on a personal note something that those like “us” have to normally learn to deal with.

Ed: How does one learn to deal with it?

M: By placing oneself in a quiet mode, wrapped in a form of internal peace, there is the opportunity to, through perception, identify oneself. There are many self-perceptions. The “characteristic” of self-identification might seem obvious, but to the empath that has been in turmoil or “noise” for a long time, the key is that the perception of internal peace is quiet and congruent and not at all confused. Generally, it requires meditation in a place of quiet and in a condition of quiet to achieve this self-discovery.

M: With this achievement, relocate yourself to a place there are a small group of others. It would be preferable if one could simply walk a bit to this new location. When arriving at the new location, hopefully with strangers, no verbal communication is to occur.

M: Using the same technique as noted above, and now located in this new ambient environment, attempt to find the same state as before when previously in the meditative state. There will be very different perceptions and energies. The difference between the prior state of being and the new state, is the “noise” from the environment of the others. Then, attempt to separate the extraneous perceptions from the internal perceptions, much as one (by analogy) tune a radio through a field of static noise. Then, the perceptions can be understood, one at a time, one person at a time, through focus of self.

M: In the “impulse” phases, empaths attempt to “block” the noise as previously noted. Alternatively, some use anger or other stressful emotions to build a reflexive wall of defense. These methods are not appropriate uses of energy, and they ultimately can be destructive. The “efficient” method is to simply admit that one has these abilities, to accept that the perceptions will occur and that they cannot be efficiently blocked, and to learn to deal with the perceptions through focus. Focus, it should be hastily added, can also become unfocus meaning that the world is stopped and “tuned out.” This later state is accomplished with practice but only after the perceptions and the impact on self is fully explored and understood. The state of unfocus is very passive and internally peaceful, requiring only intent and no inefficient use of energy.

M: Empaths in general have the problem, absent the recognition of “what” they are in terms of intrinsic abilities, that they tend to lead “noisy mind” and often very confused lives because they are unable to understand what the “real” personal emotions/feelings are when compared to the emotions/feelings of others. This can cause an inability to focus, particularly in gatherings, and a sort of “buffeting” relative to emotions and perceptions: turbulence might be a better term. (It could be extrapolated that some individuals who are stuck on Prozac or the like, might be empaths-unaware, operating under this turbulence.)

Ed: The above statement is “right on.”

M: (smile)

M: Due to their sensitivities, empaths tend to retreat into isolation for solace. When they surface, they immediately become confronted, sometimes even assaulted, by perceptions causing sometimes elation followed by the oscillation into withdrawal and this can result quickly in self-deprecation and/or depression: an awful cycle.

Ed: Again, I agree. It seems as if you are describing my behaviour to a “T.” I have cycled between elation and depression, many many times. Again, I’m most interested in how this cycle is broken.

M: -smile- Hopefully the foregoing will be of assistance.

M: Given the baseline “confusion” to an empath, and the turbulence that is related to high perception, the reflexive “defense” mechanism (absent self-recognition of the process) is to create more mind-noise, since noise/rattle can block the perceptions. The problem is, of course, that is also causes a high dissipation of internal energy: energy is being squandered. The result in internalized high dissipation of energy is that stress is foisted upon the physical systems, and health problems (sometimes coming and going like magic) result.

M: There is, of course, more detail to these descriptions, however this can probably be extrapolated from the above. More below.

Ed: I found that the older I got, the more intensely I could feel others feelings.

M: This is because as you matured, your mind-noise became less, and there was accordingly, with less noise, better understood “signals” from others. There are couple of important items to relate. In wandering around the planet, and for that matter travelling throughout the attentions, it has been noted that a small percentage of humanity observed have empathic/telepathic abilities, and these are intrinsic to their heritage just as societally recognized “talents” such as music or art, are inherited: DNA structures. There are observations that are highly significant to relate: empaths tend to be “naturals” to enjoin the “way of knowledge” because — it is their destiny.

Ed: Ah hah, destiny. This was going to be the subject of a separate email. It appears that I’m on a track. However, the track is fairly wide.

M: Everyone on this distribution is on a similar “track.”

Ed: By this I mean I have a choice of endeavors in which I can participate in but the choices are limited. Every time I have tried to force some things to happen without getting the OK from my Essense, they have just failed to work out. However, it is only when I look back at accomplishments that I can see that they were destined to happen.

M: In impact, this really means that it is possible to “guide” without force and without stress. This is an important attribute of loosing the human form, and it meets the dictum of impeccability by not squandering energy.

M: Empaths, with natural sensitivity to energies, can “more readily/easily” access the 2nd attention. One of the major components of the 2nd attention IS BEING empathic. It only goes to logical processes that the 2nd attention is a bridge to the 3rd attentions, and allies that you are all becoming familiar with (or have). Those in the “blind” copy list have experienced allies, some have “seen” allies even in the first attention, and can experience these highly. Some have “seen” the torus open to the third attention, and some have “seen” the luminous forms and the electric-tendrils that emanate from themselves as well as from others.

Ed: What is “the torus” exactly?

M: When the sentient consciousness of self is willed into the other attentions, specifically the third attention, energy moves in an orderly manner to accept the motion, the travel momentum, of the traveller of sentience who, when in the state of travel in the third attention, exists only as the energy of “pure and free being” for lack of a formal term. When the energy that reigns throughout the universe moves about to facilitate the traveller, it initially forms a pattern that is quite dramatic, dynamic, and beautiful. That pattern becomes a gateway for the traveller, the nagual if you wish the term, and it forms like a torus. You might be interested to learn that in the distribution of this response, there are two of us that have travelled.

M: The “sensitivities” of empaths “always” have a bi-directional result: the abilities that inherently provide for the “reception” of fields, also provide for the “transmission” of fields. This is why empaths “always” make candidates to connect, and are enjoined into, the forms of abilities that these discussions are all about. Yes, society in it’s dependent need to hang labels on everything may call these effects magic, psychic (gag), sorcerery (like CC/DJM), religious, or many others, but in reality the “burden” is really only such because it is not a reality that is understood by the masses, and never can be.

Ed: So if I’m reading you correctly, you are saying that empaths are good candidates for sending transmissions. Would this be to other individuals as well as entities in the third attention?

M: Yes, and more. To connect in the third attention to other enhancements of energy.

M: To key to evolution for all is to “loose the human form” of dependencies, negative emotions, and any distractions that disrupt the coherence of self-being. In the third attention, all – emphasized – that one has or is, is the being of self and to maintain “that” as a state of coherence requires “intent” and this cannot sufficiently be yielded with dependencies or negatives. Loosing the human form evolves as a high self-esteem which brings an understanding that enables the ability to unconditional love of self. The unconditional love of self brings to fore the ability to unconditionally love others, on intent and will as directed toward another on selection. The open-ness to extend self to another in the mode of unconditional love provides the ability to quite literally bond with another sentient consciousness so that when bonded, and unique sense of common-being results. The ability to bond in this intensity to another, extends to the ability to unconditionally expand one’s energy to travel and bond to others in the third attention. In that condition in the third attention there is commonality of form, because all sentience is comprised of the same forms of energy and fields.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos