Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings


NOTE: More people come into the exchanges now as I introduce Ed (BL) and Linda (L) to Michael. Some of them overlap, time wise, but I’ve separated them to person, placing this next with Linda, first.

Linda to Rick, first email: Very strange … the evening of this new millenium … in the place where I live it is 6:45 pm … people getting ready for the midnight parties … and I am here in front of this computer just getting into virtual places in a random way … a friend called and half listening to him with my ears and half listening to something else with some other sense, and while talking to him I remembered Castaneda. My friend was talking about dreaming, and while he talked I arrived by chance to this site. I had no plans for tonight, the millenium celebration, now I know I am back with don juan’s teachings tonight. Many years ago I read all the books, thought I needed to absorbe his teachings, maybe even in some practical way things happened to me because of them, maybe not. At this moment something is telling me to write this e-mail to you, to a stranger from a stranger. My name is Linda and still I do not know who I am, but it does not matter, maybe I could have been a warrior, maybe not. I just want to thank you for this web site. I might find some answers in your compilations of Castaneda tonight. I am going to print the files now. And go with them through the night into the next millenium, whatever that means. Thank you. – Linda

Rick to Linda: What it means, Linda, is that you are on the path of knowledge. Write anytime.

R: Michael, I sent Linda’s letter (to you) as I had a “chill” run through me as I read it.

M: Lovely, Rick. Lovely. The significance: you are also on the path Rick …


Rick to Linda: I’m including your email, to Michael. Already, this is something for Michael’s response, not mine (Michael, that is my request of you, that you reply to this copied below second email from Linda). Linda, Michael has given his tacit approval that I make such a request of him by the fact that he copied to you his response to the second email from me to you.

M: Yes. Perceptions have instructed that Linda is a candidate and it is considered important to embrace Linda.


L: Dear Rick,

L: I received your second letter two hours ago. I cannot say I am surprised though I have no idea why I am not. And I must admit that when I saw that there was a new e-mail from you, even before opening it, this time I was the one that felt a chill. So I waited some minutes before reading it, breathing in something which was familiar/unfamiliar to me. And it was not “air”.

L: I read what you wrote to me. And then, only in a superficial way, the beginning of your dialogue with Michael. I printed the whole letter and want to read it deeply before I come back to the computer and write back to you.

L: But before I write again I wanted you to know that this is very weird. It feels as if time had stopped. The movements of my hands are slower. The expression in my face is different. Can silence be talking at this moment? Is that possible?

L: I feel I cannot use my normal thinking while writing this words. There is a pause between my words.

L: What is there/here/ somewhere between the words we’ll know it later. I feel you and Michael are already able to describe it, while in me it is basically an echo touching the borders of my awareness.

L: I will go and read the printed letter now.

L: Thank you for sharing with me.

L: I will tell you more about me soon. – Linda


M to R: Some time ago, we had a discussion on the “technique” of interaction between a teacher and a candidate (rather recently, by memory). As you review at least these initial exchanges with Bob, Linda, and Ed, you can find a “living” example of what was said in the prior exchanges with you, on the subject of a teacher “tuning” to the candidate …


L: to M: Hi Michael

L: As you know I have read your first three letters from/to Rick.

L: I sense a pause in my thoughts

L: I am having a vision of an arrow floating motionless in the air

L: I always felt I had some clues, but never found the keys – Linda

M: The arrow is the sense of direction. To place it in motion in order that you might “find” the motion, intent in the direction that the arrow is pointing, is required. Absent intent, nothing occurs; nothing is gained. Study impeccability of self to learn why the arrow has not been placed into motion and why one has not followed.

R: This speaks to me.

M: Understood. It would speak to almost anyone on the threshold of enhancement!


(NOTE: Integrated dialogues of about 6 emails.)

L: Hello Michael,

L: It took me a little long to reply, have been at work, feel a little tired I still have a conflict between a life dedicated to earn a living and the real path of my heart

L: I know one day the two will melt and I will not feel any split

M: There is no particular reason why the two cannot be integrated, since “work” can offer a learning experience through the contact with others. At the worst, “work” can be a simple structural component but in my experience by examining myself as I am in the process of “work”, it’s possible to evaluate where the progress of loosing the human form is. Said in that manner, “work” is a form of a petty tyrant to teach us how we are doing “on the way”.

L: I enjoy my work but I am having some trouble when I need to be patient with people that work with me

M: When you learn to loose the human form, patience will never be a problem. It is necessary to make some adjustments in working with others, not in deference to them but rather in efficiency to self: the conservation of energy.

L: Thank you Michael for your so special attention I hope my presence here has some benefit for you and Rick as well.

M: Assuming that we continue, there is benefit in all ways because as you loose the human form and as you gain ability and eventually thwart the Eagle of dependencies, you will add your sentient consciousness as an energy form to the universe. There is no altruism whatever. In the third attention, we exist in the form of individuals that on intent and will can couple to the consortium of sentient energy to learn and be enhanced through that coupling, mutually, and then separate and travel throughout the universe as a “pure being” of energy. It is an absolutely marvelous state of being.


L: Rick, I am here writing to you again, after having read your first 3 written connections with Michael, to whom I am also sending a copy of this letter.

L: Again I want to thank you, and Michael, for having welcomed me. When I wrote to you the first time I was really doing something without expectations. I simply followed some instinct that was telling me to write.

M: Congratulations! That is a very “non” human form approach, and wholly appropriate.

L: I feel I am still afraid of totally loosing the human form approach. And this brings me conflict in life. I know I need to resolve the issue of impecability, and by that remove my needs of being what I am not.

M: Start with full acceptance of the self that you are, and then learn what dependencies based on fear cause you to “hang onto” the human form. What is it about the emotions and the dependencies of the human form that you feel the need to embrace? What do you fear will happen if you unbind yourself?

L: There was a door open and I got in. I could have found vacuum or treasures.

M: True, however, it was “your intent” to investigate what might be found beyond the portal that you sensed as open, and it requires a relatively high level of self-esteem (more evidence of non-human form issues) to explore that there might be a benefit for moving through the portal because you “know” that you would be able to deal with it, or reject it, as impeccability would dictate.

L: the fact that I naturally sense the need of impecabilty, sometimes is not as strong as the feeling that I am different, seeking what others don’t. There are moments I follow the arrow, I use intent and I know. Seeking started in me at early age, after years of dependence in childhood and when the need of freedom was re-born in me, around age 16.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos