Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

R: Deserving, dying leaves swell

Big lifeÕs mysteries,

And then,

Into flowers bending

Came loveÕs gentle flowering,

Came oneÕs own knowing

Of whom, gentle again,

OwnÕs knowing oneness was

But gentle kindness flowing.

M: And knowledge yet again …

R: As I considered the words of those 15 year old writings last night, well, it seems that I have been able to quite my thoughts for quite some time as I’ve always known that I wrote those by not thinking and letting words pop into my head and just writing down what popped in, or so I’ve always believed. And yet the second one there seems to have come from terms from metaphysics I’d learned.

M: It has been evident for quite some time that you progress, then fall back and crater in sort of a cyclical pattern. The key emphasis, though, is that you ARE a seeker and you ARE capable, and all that’s really needed is to locate the “why” of the regressions and open the door through recapitulation and peace.

R: I’ve gotten away from the point … simply that I ought to continue practicing what I did last night … to “recall” in often.

M: And knowledge will be gained …

M: The inner glow can become an outer glow by focusing on something that is peaceful and can be contemplated. The outer glow can then be projected further: expansion of the self cocoon.

R: Interesting. Is the outer glow and the inner glow measurable? I don’t understand inner-outer glow. Ah, the luminous cocoon spoken of. Is that it?

M: Yes. It is perceptionally measurable, and seeable, and it is intense once released.

R: “Projecting outer glow” sounds like something I might intend to do without understanding what it means … but then … well, I did intend to see my hands in dreaming without understanding what that means … though it was a bit more concrete sounding in that I knew how to look at my hands physically where as I physically have no clue how to project more than my voice. Something to file away under the “tales of power” heading, I suppose.

M: Teasing, it’s something like “just do it”!

M: Then, this is all “stored” in memory, and recalled at another time for another purpose. Hope that helps.

R: I see that these experiences are stored in memory and recallable and it’s time now to go and recall last night’s.

Thank you Rick

M: Peace, Rick … peace..

M: Love

M: Michael


R: Hi Michael,

R: The don Juan teachings say that it is the spirit, or the intent, the force, that really decides on our decisions and acts?

M:The terms such as “force” or perhaps “lifeforce” and for that matter, “spirit” all tend to be the same. The summation of this is really simple, because it means that “we” ourselves have within an “energy field” and that our consciousness is described by this “energy field”. The projection of that part of our “field” that can travel around the planet or into the other attentions, means basically, “transmitting” our field beyond the body, where it is otherwise constrained. When we “travel”, or said otherwise, by projection of ourselves beyond the body, we can meet others who have performed similar feats, be they from organic or inorganic origination. The ability to accomplish these feats is propelled by “intent” based on “will”. The ability to develop sufficient energy of the “field” itself, that is to say the “focus” that both enhances the field of consciousness to the level that it can remain coherent as it travels (i.e. not dissipate into oblivion – becoming “food for the eagle”) AND “project” the field through time and space – the third attention – is the result of “freedom”, primarily from the human form, and hence the term “the way of knowledge, is the way to freedom”.

M: The spirit, really the linkage of your consciousness to allies that can assist, is never negative although it may be tumultuous as one learns lessons along the way. The “spirit” is really a consortium of field that we may join with. Most that can be so joined, are allies.

R: Michael, I want to understand mathematics. What would you suggest as the way to discover the most direct approach for me to do that.

M: Get a book. It’s called “The Emperor’s New Mind” by Roger Penrose. Reading this book will determine if you really desire what you report.


R: Hi Michael,

M: Hiya Rick!

R: An interesting chain of events occurred. They are:

R: I wrote to you saying, “I want to understand mathematics. What would you suggest as the way to discover the most direct approach for me to do that.”

R: You suggest, again (though it was only somehow familiar that the suggestion was again) that I read The Emperor’s New Mind, by Roger Penrose saying, “Reading this book will determine if you really desire what you report.

R: I go to the book store and find The Emperor’s New Mind. I read the forward and cover and am excited to be buying it, and then I also find, The Sorcerers’ Crossing by Taisha Abelar. With the intent to buy both, I sit down to read from The Sorcerers’ Crossing while waiting for my daughter to finish her selections before we head for the cashier.

R: There, I read in Abelar’s preface, “Academic training became an integral part of my preparation for the sorcerers’ crossing. The leader of the sorcerers’ group with whom I am associated, the nagual, as he is called, is a person with a keen interest in formal academic erudition. Hence, all those under his care had to develop their capacity for the abstract, clear thinking that is acquired only in a modern university. … Also, training the intellect is a bona-fide sorcerers’ subterfuge. By deliberately keeping the mind occupied in analysis and reasoning, sorcerers are free to explore, unimpeded, other areas of perception. In other words, while the rational side is busy with the formality of academic pursuits, the energetic or nonrational side, which sorcerers call “the double,” is kept occupied with the fulfillment of sorcery tasks. In this way, the suspicious and analytic mind is less likely to interfere or even notice what is going on at a nonrational level.”

M: Yes.

R: Having bought both books, I began browsing through The Emperor’s New Mind at home and found much information about the Mandelbrot set. That was thrilling as I’d recorded a show in Japan 5 years ago on public television that was all about the Mandelbrot set, complete with the most beautiful computer generated images giving a glimpse of it’s infinite … flow? … it’s infinite … infiniteness … But the program had Japanese dubbed over the English and I couldn’t quite hear the still-barely-there English underneath, though I’d been able to pick out quite a bit of it by watching and listening over and over as I did. In that I loved the show and have been very curious about what it is all about, I will now find out more! I had searched a couple of times under “fractal geometry” on the Internet, but had not found the Mandelbrot set. I did not know the name “Mandelbrot set” until seeing it in The Emperor’s New Mind, but seeing it, recognized that that was what I had “heard” while listening to the Japanese dubbing and the faint English (Now I will search that on the web as I’d still like to find a way to generate it on my computer).

M: There is a photographic book out that shows the “flows” that develop from various mathematical models, including Mandelbrot.

R: But back to the chain of events:

R: I next came upon, again in The Emperor’s New Mind, words that I’d first seen in a book I recently started reading, Freeware, by Rudy Rucker. I’d not bothered to look them up, assuming that most were made up words by the science fiction writer. Now, I began reading Freeware before any of the above and considered placing it at the top of the list of interesting events. It’s the first science fiction I’ve started reading in probably 20 years. I’d almost stopped reading it as the second chapter got into some, to me, very-much-wasting-my-time sexual content that I didn’t want to wade through but, alas, did. I’m glad for it as I’m enjoying the book greatly (though I could still really do without — the crudeness throughout — or so I call it). Freeware is largely about artificial intelligence in Rucker’s made up society and how the “A I” guys interact with humans.

R: Finally, on an impulse, I began this morning having my computer read to me my compiled alphabetized paragraphs of your emails to me. The third paragraph was: “Advanced mathematics is only a vocabulary to describe something in a form of shorthand that could be stated with words. You might enjoy reading Roger Penrose’s book, “The Emperor’s New Mind”. In my observation, at some level of advancement, there is little difference conceptually between spatial physics, quantum electrodynamics/mechanics (read: Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg, for example) and “the way of knowledge in the form of metaphysics. When Albert Einstein came up first with the “Special Theory of Relativity” he reported that it was based on a vision. At the time, as a matter of well documented record, Einstein did not know any advanced math. He learned math later, as a matter of need to communicate his ideas – after the fact of his ideas.”

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos