Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

B: and I was in a western town, around the 1800’s. … the adults in the town had done something , and I can not remember what, to piss off this herd of horses, so the horses decided to break the earth and wood dam at a nearby river and drown us all.

M: The horses: are they a representation of society, bound a century or more ago, in attitudes and narrowness, and the horses, the nature and the consequence of inept actions? Consider for yourself what the significance of the processes noted in the past may mean for you.

B: … we found out what was happening, (I also saw it but not from my body, like a scene in a movie as a horse moved the flood gate latch with his muzzle) and someone yelled out what was happening.

M: Innocents are often caught up in the unwitting errors of others. Innocents have the power of observation from which much may be learned, provided that emotions (specifically fear) do not interfere with the ability to observe.

B: We all started running to get up on top of the buildings, for some reason we had all gathered just outside of town. My father was with us (not my father in real life though) and we were about to reach one of the buildings, the group of people I was with, when it caught on fire.

M: The one support structure that was perceived as available was also now a threat….the protective structures available to you were failing.

B: We headed for another building, which was taller, when the horses started stampeding after us. They realized we were not going to be drowned and were going to remedy this. I was almost to the house when I heard a horse behind me, I looked over my shoulder and he was about to trample me, I turned my body slightly as I ran and slapped him, this threw him off and he stalled enough for me to get a little ahead, I hit him again as he was about to trample me again, and then I made it to the side of the house.

M: … Indicating that even those innocents, unprepared and surprised for events not their own, can survive by reflex wits and actions … And the analogy of the parent didn’t do it, it requiring independent action…to survive. The action was proportionate to the need, not over-reaction.

B: The horses parted to go around the house , some children reached down to save me but I couldn’t climb up their arms and they couldn’t lift me, and adult reached down and I was pulled / climbed up, and was saved …. then woke up. When I reached the roof and safety I woke up. When I woke up my body was vibrating. I think I had been in the astral. But it was too slow for me to get back out of my body.

M: Good test! Good result! The test showed you can “positively” respond to “continue.”..upon the invocation of your will. Congratulations. This is to one degree or another, an example of value being brought to you in the “dream state,” provided the significance is explored. This is also an example that tends to indicate how “informative” perceptions may become when the fixations upon the first attention are diminished in order that more may be encountered and experienced.

R: On the compiling of our E-mails that I am working on: I think one of the appeals of Castaneda’s books is that they seem to follow my dad’s saying that a good speech is often one written at an eighth level.

M: Several individuals have been met that have not been able to grasp the potential significance that would motivate them to get through any CC book or any of the others such as Taisha Abelar’s book (or even Susan Gregg’s book). Typically they start to read them, and after a few pages dump them because they are written as what they report as being about 6th grade level. Some have evaluated Chopra’s book (the Way of the Wizard) at about 8th grade level, but other Chopras’ (Ageless Body Timeless Mind) at college level. This dichotomy in individuals point to the difficulty in broadly issuing any book because in “targeting” the writing for the more intellectual and better-read set, many of the audience may be lost where “targeting” the presentational style for the masses will “bore” those seeking more articulation. Since the concepts are applicable to all of humanity that chooses to “seek” an approach toward their evolution, overcoming the initial perceptional barriers becomes an imposing task.

M: In issuing any “information” the primary question to provoke self-response is, literally: “what’s the point?” (to providing the information) because in the historical record essentially “all” of the information is out there, published variously in the past perhaps 1,000 years (including CC, of course) and about 3500 years if the old testament were included, and perhaps five or more millenia when truly ancient descriptions are reviewed. Your efforts to bring cohesion to the CC pieces have demonstrated that there is a purpose and a value to writing AND to clean up some of the rattle into better coherence.

M: So, my suggestion to you on compiling our E-mails is to be cautious in the presentation, because there is, from the feedback represented by a very limited sample observed, a huge credibility gap between something written at the 6th to 8th grade level, and that of the more scholarly level. It can be understood, on evaluation, that the CC books have a credibility problem relative to society not to just their subject, but to the writing style. In addtion, these exchanges were initiated as “personal exchanges” meaning they were not prepared or intended for review by others. This note is included to indicate that some editing would be required during “compilation” in order to cause the context to be applied more broadly.

R: Interesting. The function of language is to communicate. Lack of patience with Castaneda is something one would have chosen to have, not something Castaneda’s book “did” to them by the level they were written to.

M: Yes. True. On the vocabulary part and the method of presentation, though, we all have to ultimately be careful that what is presented represents what we intend. Through words, vocabulary, those representations form what might be though of as our own versions of reality.

R: And even to say that something is written “to a level,” is meaningless if the communication of an idea has been effectively accomplished. The language is used as it is used and ideas are communicated. If one idea is communicated in two ways and one way is understood by 80% of the people, the other by 20%, which is the one to use?

M: It’s more complicated than that, although in concept there is agreement with your statement. Information well communicated but not “gotten through” is useless. In something like this presentation, it is necessary to try, as always, to strike a balance. For me, if that means that some have to have a dictionary handy so that the context and syntax are more impeccable, then it’s better in the interest of accuracy, which is considered to be a component of impeccability, to suggest they do have the dictionary. There is another element to consider also. The “way” as you know fully requires a significant amount of focus and discipline. While one does not want (because it would be inefficient) to mark information way over the reach of the intended audience, in many ways it cannot be fully otherwise because some will get it and some will not. For those who are not willing or are unable to “get it,” then they are not part of the intended audience and probably never will be.


Bob to Ed: The figure was an ally and has probably been stalking you, as you put it, since the 70’s. Ever go in a book store and see a book that calls to you from the shelf, or some small voice calls you and tells you to buy the book? We are not alone in this Ed, and there are beings who tend to such matters, inorganic beings that have never been human, beings who have been human. There is much more to the allys than was reported by CC from DJ. Some think of them as guardian angles.

Ed: The above just triggered another recollection. When I was 12 my Mother moved our family to a little small town in South Carolina from Chicago. My Mother was very poor and the most she could afford to give me was ten cents a week, enough for a coke and a candy bar. One day the local soda jerk asked me if I would like to wager a quarter on the upcoming college football game. I said sure. To make a fat story lean, I won every bet for 16 weeks in a row. It was uncanny. The soda jerk after a while would change teams after I had made the original bet, it didn’t matter, I still won. So yes, I think there are beings that look after us, I have had too many experiences similar to this and your experience to think any differently.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos