Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: My perception of you is that you:

M: are well along the path to freedom through the way of knowledge;

M: are seeking to learn how to fully employ the concepts of don Juan Matus, as reported by Carlos;

M: have had many examples in your life’s experiences that have provided instruction that there is much more to evolution than normally accepted by society;

M: have considered the above statement within yourself to affirm that your evolution in normal humanity is only a tool for utilization to gain your ultimate evolution in the awareness of the third attention;

M: can shift your assemblage point to place yourself into the bridge of the second attention, and in that state of awareness and reality, gain energy flows and perceptions that you utilize in your creative art expressions, and that within the second attention you are a seer of energy which has become more frequent to the point where your realities are only partially in the first attention and you primarily coexist in the bridge between the first and second attentions (allowing an easy flow of migration to either, depending on the need);

M: have some impatience about traveling into the third attention and are willing to understand that this will occur when you are fully prepared, having had some limited and intriguing experience with this; and,

M: understand that losing the human form means forming the ability of allowing yourself to love, and commit, unconditionally and this attribute is indicative of being able to integrate with the power of the universe, the nagual.

M: Frequently I utilize an “interspersed dialogue” form of conversation, by interspersing comments within the original text with each prefixed with our initials. This form permits the appearance of a posted “dialogue”. As the “virtual dialogue” progresses, segments fully resolved may be deleted from each exchange.

R: If what you suspect of my progress is a reflection of your own, then I’m indulging in envy.

M: In establishing new dialogues, it is very difficult for me to make the decision about how much to open, and when. It is not at all that there is a reluctance within me to being wholly “open”, and the concern is only that reports of my evolution be taken as ‘reports’ and not some form of human-form need. For now, it is hoped that it is sufficient to note that my evolutionary experiences are profound, and directed. If you request specific details, my response will be commensurate to your inquiries. As our dialogue progresses, quite probably it will all be revealed as a matter of the process.

R: And if it is a reflection of your own, then I know that you won’t be indulging in disappointment when I tell you that my ventures into the second attention are only in dreaming, that I’ve been doing since 1975, but that have stopped completely here the last five months.

M: Since the process, by your report, has been interrupted then there is a suggestion that either something has gotten in the way, or that somehow you are being subjected to “a test” of your impeccability. As an observation, those of us who choose to engage ourselves in ‘the way of knowledge’ tend to evolve in a sequence of ramp-progressions followed by periods of plateaus. For example, when you chose this process of evolution there were many discoveries initially and your effort to condense Carlos’ books demonstrates your level of commit. This initiates the sequence of gaining knowledge, and with that, increasing attributes (said in another manner: abilities; recognitions). Accordingly, this form initiation, begins an ascension (or ramp) into higher (more thorough) understanding and awareness. After some period of time, usually about the point where we begin to grasp the significance of impeccability in the broadest sense, the knowledge gained in itself increases our awareness of ‘what’ impeccability means as a concept. There is a commensurate level of awareness that attends this, of course, since ‘impeccability’ as a process and as a definition will be expanded in proportion to our knowledge with it itself is an expanding variable.

M: When we have “ramped” to the level that our understanding and knowledge brings us toward, we then go through a process of integrating these known attributes into our beings. The plateau of ‘integration’ is necessary so that we can ‘test’ the concepts and apply them and refine exactly what impeccability really means as applied to each thought, action, and decision. It is my observation that it is during these plateau periods that our impeccability becomes tested. Impatience and anger, it can be understood, are human form dependencies that get in the way.

R: I’ve had little success in stopping the internal dialogue. If I’m not actively thinking about something, then there is usually a tune that I’m mechanically humming.

M: It is my observation that ‘a tune’ can become a mantra for quieting the mind, but it must be a peaceful experience. Several in dialogues report utilizing peaceful tunes as a stepping stone, and in the successful cases, the tune or two tends to have bring beauty and grandeur to the mind.

M: Noisy minds have a way of becoming imprinted early in life. On occasion, they are developed in early childhood as an escape mechanism to counter something unpleasant, and in other cases they can develop in an energetic form directed toward possibilities and creative endeavors. The “blocking” problem that the noise causes, however, can actually be a form of dependency; that is, dependency on the noise as a reference particularly if it is imprinted in early childhood (either for positive or negative reasons). The only true negative is not learning the lesson that any seemingly negative experience intends to teach. With the learning in grasp and integrated as a positive experience (not as bitterness or any lingering poor after-effect), any seemingly negative immediately is converted into a positive since learning is a growth and evolutionary process.

M: Sometimes a quieting experience is available by a process that starts with contemplation, like a curious child studying something, that is based in nature: the movement of trees in a breeze; the motions almost have a language of themselves; the perception within a forest; ocean waves; all taken as a process of single minded study. “Intent” can be projected into the nature of these entities. Clouds, vaporous and motional, have the same effect. To lie naked in the bright sun, exposed, perceiving the breeze wash over your body, perceiving the poetry of the motions and the energy flows, and seeing the clouds, may be of assistance in initiating the process. After a time of practice and integration, the perceptions can be memorized, and process of the intent can be memorized and recalled – at any time. It is only reasonable to note that this process of high-memory recall can extend to being able to bridge oneself between the first and second attentions – at any moment on intent and will. From that extension, with practice, one then can move firmly into the second attention, or move between those attentions. The second attention brings with it knowledge, perception, and it forms the initial bridge into the third attention.

R: What is “process of the intent”? — “After a time of practice and integration, the perceptions can be memorized, and process of the intent can be memorized and recalled”

M: Simply it means that one gathers a feeling of peace and inner glow, in a manner of speaking. The inner glow can become an outer glow by focusing on something that is peaceful and can be contemplated. The outer glow can then be projected further: expansion of the self cocoon. Then, this is all “stored” in memory, and recalled at another time for another purpose. Hope that helps.

M: To accomplish the sequence of evolution, a precursor to being able to travel into, and through, the third attention becomes eventually possible. In the third attention, one experiences total and whole freedom, wholly without dependencies. In order to literally be sufficiently free (freedom is only in a metaphor “the Eagle’s gift”, for it is actually a gift we reward ourselves with by being able to continue into infinity) to travel in the third attention, the sentient consciousness must be able to comfortably – without hesitancy – to let go of the body and all of the human form tendencies that this represents. To travel and prosper in the third attention, any distraction (noise, if you will allow) vacates our impeccable sense of wholly bonded together consciousness and we immediately then would vacate the third attention to cling once again to the dependencies of the body, noise, or whatever the limiting factor(s) may be. To travel into the third attention, beyond the initial light, the warrior learns true freedom.

R: I loved your letter, very inspiring, thank you, where do we go next?

M: You are welcome. We “go” where we must. Impeccability drives us toward these directions.

R: Perhaps I will add your insights to my Castaneda compilation.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos