Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: Self-denigration is hardly freedom: it is the imprisonment into self. If you stay locked within yourself, the energy cannot leave: door to travel locked; no freedom; only imprisonment; and, no third attention.

M: Wouldn’t it be better for you to care about yourself?

M: This is only a report of your choices. It is suggested that by isolating yourself, you have found a statement of ego dependency and don’t recognize it as such.

M: The negativity, and isolation, places one “away”, imprisoned in self. Look at the “snobs” that you have viewed and in general despise, according to your prior reports. The “snobs” have placed themselves “away” from others in a stratification process. If you withdraw, self-negate-imprison within yourself, you have also “placed yourself away” from others. It is exactly the same as the ego-driven snobs, just setup on a different layer of stratification.

R: So, I haven’t been writing … but I’ve wanted to write and so this is it. I could have asked some trying-to-be-profound question (actually, I’ve been wondering, How do you, personally, know that you are evolving toward your goal of the third attention … what does the evidence look like?)

M: Okay. I learned that self-isolation is a dependency, just like “suicidal” thoughts are high-ego, selfish, dependency. My travels beyond the 1st and 2nd attentions, at the bridge of (or into) the third, permit contact and communication with allies. There is nothing vague about the communications, or the visions. The information gained through these processes inform me as to my progression. It only happened because it was learned that the withdrawals were ego-based as noted in the responses above. When I committed myself to ‘the way of knowledge’, then withdrew, I paid a terrible price that has the color and sound of your reports. While out naked in the sun a few weeks ago, there was a travel to the 3rd attention and a message. My past history is filled with examples of connecting to the power of the universe, then withdrawing, then reconnecting etcetera. Now, finally, it is no longer acceptable for me to engage in this oscillation: I am open fully and linked to the universe; I can be never lonely again; or, withdrawn.

M: There are couple of very obvious things to note: one cannot progress while lashed to a dependency on self-negation/self-denigration. If you could find yourself sufficiently to loose this syndrome of the deeper dark side of the force, and learn that the only reason that it exists is the dependency on self-negation, then the bounds would be loosened and you could make progress. From your prior reports this process has been in force within you for a very long time. Find out why.


R: Dear Michael,

R: I should review your last two emails before writing as there is something in them that has made apparent to me something obvious but overlooked … wrong word, anyway.

M: Perhaps.

R: The discovery began with, in the background, the recognition that you have been dealing with me from a place that was a mystery to me. That is, I could not quite account for your ability to have responses to me that were beyond what I’ve come to expect with people.

M: In terms of normal societal expectations, the dialogue could be classified as “different”. It’s certainly reasonable that one might have to recalibrate their “expectations”, and it might be useful to bring to mind the concept that “expectations” are only based on historical imprints and that as such they cannot be uniformly applied. Expectations might be valid on one level and on some applications, however illusionary on others.

R: I’m having trouble verbalizing this, You have been able to respond to me in a way that has continuously kept me somewhat amazed by your … pointed clarity? … objective unattachment to my human form dependencies … well, now I’m giving it away. Yes, that is it: your objective unattachment to my human form dependencies.

M: Yes.

R: What I realized today was that you have been observing me, my writing (perhaps more), from an unknown by me condition, that of having lost the human form. And it is because of that that you have been constantly and consistently, impeccably; simply holding a mirror in front of my face — as I’ve rattled on — with nothing of my “rattling” ever touching you, as it could not, you saw my rattling for what it has been: a spouting of human form dependencies.

M: Yes: to all in the paragraph above; even the nuance.

R: I think I got it when you just now told me that the secret was out, that I am the eagle. Or perhaps it was something else there in the last two emails, but anyway, I see it now. I see my attachment to the human form dependencies, I see that that is all I have allowed myself to be: an expression of those dependencies and a “rattling on” about them. I imagine that it could almost be amusing to one who has lost the human form to watch as another, such as myself, continues to swim around in the same muck no matter what you say, all the while you are simply continuously saying the same thing to me: Knock Knock Knock … hello! YOU’RE LOCKED IN THE HUMAN FORM DEPENDENCIES. GET OUT OF YOURSELF THAT YOU THINK YOU ARE AND BE WHO YOU REALLY ARE. So much of don Juan’s teachings have been screaming the same thing all of these years and I would come close to breaking into seeing it … but not quite.

M: Well said and summarized, however the observations carry nothing approaching “amusing”, or for that matter, anything else: they just “are”. It is simply a normal component of the human form that individuals attempt to define themselves by labels, titles, wealth or stature, and all of these are only functions, dramas, or roles, that humans integrate into their self-identification to the point where they become integral to personalities they carry internally. Stripped of these labels (et al), most individuals would panic because that is all they believe they are, or perhaps, can be. This self-negation may also become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If there is a tragedy, it is that individuals have little or no concept of what they truly can evolve to become with this being true to the extent that if they were to be told without preparation, they would have wholly no identification or understanding with it and would consider it “not credible”.

R: While pondering this all while walking today I noticed a bicycle rider go by on his bike. He glided by in a way I’ve not noticed before. He just glided by. It was like he was flowing on a canvas. I don’t know why it struck me. It was a visual thing no different than what I’ve seen before, but, somehow this time the gliding struck me as different.

M: Understanding such as that above represents the beginning of seeing beyond the normally obvious human form, and it matters not that you don’t know why it struck you because it is only important that it does and this concept of acceptance facilitates more perception.

R: Hopefully this new awareness will build … I can’t quite imagine how I could go back, thinking wise. I can see myself forgetting to remember at times as that has, in fact, been going on today as well.

M: Anyone can “slip” off of “the way of knowledge” of course, because dependencies that most tenaciously (sometimes desperately, based on fear) hang on to, are quite pervasive. If you can build on and evolve into this new awareness it will change you forever, and after a point, one can never return and if one were to try, the penalty would be devastating. Sometimes at this sort of “crossing” it is useful to have a mantra of something appropriate and very personal, such as “I, The Eagle, duality as friend and foe” said here only to make a point.

R: It’s all very interesting

M: Yes.

R: I understand your “peace” before your sign-off now and imagine that, if you have with you those who have also lost the human form, that you don’t use it because they are (at) “peace.”

M: You are correct in that understanding, and “yes”, we do not use “peace” after a point crossing (or transition) of our evolutions since peace is a baseline for “us”. Congratulations are in order because this is a profound conclusion, though it could seem so obvious the profundity impact might be lost as it tends to be when truth is discovered.

M: Expanding;

M: When the human form (of dependencies and negatives) is lost, we are automatically “at peace” because there is no internal conflict with the various internal “personality roles” that humans carry around within themselves. In subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle ways, it is as if every human carries with him/her a form of multiple personality disorders because of these conflicts. With “peace” a given in our systemic structure, what is then gained is the ability to u n c o n d I t I o n a l l y love oneself, without dependencies or condition in the absolute sense. The ability to unconditionally love oneself then facilitates the ability to unconditionally love, bringing to fore that the term “unconditionally” is an absolute by itself.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos