Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: In any case, to travel into either attention, it is necessary to “let go” of the realities as experienced to the point that they have been for any individual, and be willing to wholly allow oneself to migrate into another state of being and knowledge. Any reticence prohibits the travel, and any reticence during the travel and position in the third attention, immediately blows one “out” of it and back into accepted realities.

M: The third attention is “not” unknowable.

M: In a major event, while clinically dead, in 1994 (July, as a matter of fact and in Yellowstone Park – where we are going to visit next week) and while in the third attention, I learned that I could continue at that point into the infinity of the third attention with the attribute set that had been accomplished, or I could will myself to return to first attention life and utilize this as an opportunity to fix some problems that prohibited me from gaining a full attribute set in the third attention. It was humbling, to say the least, and because of that – enhancing.

M: In the third attention, using allegorical description, there are about five strata levels of attribute sets. These are not well segmented, but are a flowing process of ascension. At the first level, one escapes the Eagle and “can continue”, but at a rather low energy set without much ability. My ‘perception’ of this attribute set is that of an analogy of a clerk or a municipal worker, doing limited and repetitive tasks. By the third level, analogy only, one can move about, navigate, visit, but not direct or contribute very much. The fifth level represents abilities of biblical proportion. In my arrogance, I thought in 1994 because of other travels to and through the second and third attentions, I might have had accomplished the analogy of perhaps the forth attribute set, but alas, my dependencies still had me stuck at approximately level three, and there were instructions about what actions to execute to improve impeccability that would facilitate expansion. Notably I was not utilizing myself in the manner that was intended, however this has changed and our dialogue is facilitated by that change. Since there is, in my own situation, a long ancestry of those who have these attributes that is documented to perhaps 1526, the meetings in the third attention were, ah, dramatic and directed to say the least.

R: I had a dream where in I met two men whom I’ve since imagined to have been like don Juan and don Genaro. I was sitting in a volitional dream listening to something when I heard a different voice in each ear. I knew from the books that I was to immediately turn off the internal dialogue and doing so I sort of fell backwards through something and found myself in the presence of two men, one tall and one short. They commented on their surprise that I knew to stop talking to myself on hearing the two voices that thus brought me to them … or that was my sense of what they said. I asked about the exercise I’d developed which I’d called “an exploration of the infinity which is balanced movement at changing speed,” and the tall one said that we were the guardians of … something, I forget now. We walked and the tall one stopped and reached down to a small clear pool of water about 10″ in diameter and he said “This is what temptation is like,” as he put his hand in the water and swirled it around until the water flew out leaving a muddy hole. We walked a bit more and I said knowingly and proudly “don Juan says that … ” I forget what I said. At that point the short man, who I’ve imagined to have been the one like don Juan, said in a tone that just cut through my arrogance so mockingly as if he’d seen right through me and was disgusted “well, if don Juan said it, it must be true!” I then woke up and they’ve not been back … that was over twenty years ago. … Ah, self-pity comes alive.

M: Indeed, and self-pity, self-deprecation, is a dependency and a violation of impeccability since it deprives and denies energy and love. Since the whole ability to be free can be expressed as a state of unconditional love, it must start with unconditional love of self. Any other form, is only conditional love and conditional love is dependent love – just another form of dependency. The ‘dream’ that you experienced was on the bridge, no question, between the second and third attentions.

R: Michael, you have said, “Those of us who choose to engage ourselves in ‘the way of knowledge’ tend to evolve in a sequence of ramp-progressions followed by periods of plateaus.” I remember returning from my travels in the 70’s feeling I’d learned so much on the trip. Now it seem, if you are correct, I’ve been on the plateau for about the last 20 years.

M: Certainly it is not possible, or even vaguely appropriate, for me to judge the comment above. It can be said, though, that it does not seem logical as a statement. 20 years brings with it many learning experiences and many processes. Perhaps you might not have had the experiences that you intend or desire, but perhaps some of the lessons were lost in the process: just guessing, of course.

R: You also said, “Carlos’ books demonstrates your level of commit. This initiates the sequence of gaining knowledge, and with that, increasing attributes (said in another manner: abilities; recognitions). Accordingly, this form initiation, begins an ascension (or ramp) into higher (more thorough) understanding and awareness.” Now, I’m half way through entering the edited The Active Side of Infinity and I feel what you are saying is happening to me through that. Something to do with the “foreign installation” analogy has me expecting a greater push into inner silence.

M: Certainly this is an appropriate and necessary segment of the process …

R: Continuing, you said, “There is a commensurate level of awareness that attends this, of course, since ‘impeccability’ as a process and as a definition will be expanded in proportion to our knowledge with it itself is an expanding variable.” Do you mean to say by “with it itself,” that Impeccability is an expanding variable.?

M: Good. Expanding on that: what is being attempted to be said is that impeccability has an expanding, living, viable, definition that varies in an ascending and enhancing manner —- as we expand and enhance ourselves. If you were to look back 25 years ago at what you would then have called or defined as “impeccability”, there is little doubt that the view and definition that you carry today as ‘impeccability’ is very different than it was then. This process as an example serves to indicate that our actions and state of being are commensurate to our processes and status in our individual evolutions at any particular time. I have found for and in myself, for example, that “the tests” that I face are all driven by, and are wholly commensurate, with ‘where I am’ in my evolution at any moment in time. “Tests” that I could have not possibly have passed for lack of knowledge many years ago, now come and are attended with an almost instant recognition of the significance of the test and the value of the test process.

M: It would probably be a good idea for you to re-enter into our exchanges to date. The communications have more within them than the written words, and much of that has to come from perception.

R: Just sitting here thinking of what to say and I remembered something in The Active Side of Infinity about everyone wanting their magic pill that does all with no effort. I really find myself with nothing to say.

M: ** Perhaps when you wrote the above you didn’t have anything in your conscious to say, but it was ‘there’ just below the surface as it often is.

R: I remember in the 70’s thinking much as now, that it was stupid to not be living up to what I’d already learned while claiming to want to learn more. In the 70’s that meant, for me, eating healthy food, exercising, bla bla bla, and I wasn’t doing any of that so I saw myself as hypocritical, also.

M: ** It’s very difficult to execute a whole life-change, particularly with the lack of objectivity that we have entering about our 30’s. Somewhere between about 29 and 33 yrs, my observation is that we (males, particularly) tend to attempt to ‘get a grip’ on what we are and where we are going. Usually, in males, that is something like a career direction/attitude crisis, but for ‘those who perceive more’, the recalibration can extend into other and broader forms as well. At that time, about age 35 or so, I was fortunate to couple with a group of psychologists that had a sequence of approaches among themselves, and as the process continued through three individuals and there efforts, the third person was an empath and simply could ‘know’ without conversation. I stayed with him on and off for about 4 years or so, and at the end he was responsible for my first “directed” travels into the second attention, double consciousness projection, et al, and at that point, we had no need of verbal or optical conversation between us – it was just ‘there’. He also was responsible for me being able to see the striations of aura – and the whole energy form. It was fortunate that on an impulse, I became connected to that group. This last psychologist changed my life, and probably saved me from self-damnation because I finally began to accept myself – a process that requires years it seems.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos