Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: At one point you had said that you had self-diagnosed your condition, and it is wondered how accurate that diagnosis might be. It is wondered if there is an ultimate self-defeating process going on here, with the background that there has been significant self-denial and lack of self-acceptance based in the past.

M: This suggests that it’s time for you to take a pause, including a pause from “quickly” responding to me, execute your exercise in a quiet mind with peace, let the energy flow, and contemplate your decisions and actions and ask if they really are serving your impeccability, or if they are serving some bias that is based on imprints from the past. It is already known from the prior exchanges that there is some form of self-denial or self-deprecation from the past.

M: The point is always that the warrior, or the candidate, must learn to live in “the now,” and that means with the objectivity of “the now”.

M: Sometimes the analogy of a garden hose comes to mind. Suppose a person is holding a high pressure nozzle of a garden hose in his/her hand. The faucet represents “the source” of the energy driven into the hose (birth). The propagational flow of the water represents “time” directed toward “the now”. The “now” is represented by the high pressure nozzle in the hand. The time it takes for the water to flow between the source to “the now” is the time machine of life. From the viewpoint of a molecule of water at the faucet, the nozzle is the future, and the hose is the media through which time passes as the water propagates to “the now”.

M: There is noted a problem. The faucet, the source at birth analogy, has plenty of energy and force, but the nozzle that is being directed at “the now” has little pressure, energy and force. Is is observed that there are leaks in the hose, near the faucet. The water, flowing from those leaks, cannot possibly manage to get through time (the hose) to “the now”. It is being squandered BEFORE it gets to “the now” – back in time from the point of view of “the now”.

M: It could be said that the warrior is doing his/her best with the energy of “the now” that he/she has, seeming to meet impeccability, but the outside observer, viewing the situation, could ask the simple question: why not fix the energy leakage problem of the past so that there is more energy in “the now”? Wouldn’t THAT be actually meeting the need of impeccability, rather than flailing around with a low energy nozzle?

M: So, the question extended from that analogy, metaphor, allegory above, is framed toward what is the standard for impeccability for all actions taken in “the now”. If the actions are serving imprints and reflex reactions based in “the past,” particularly the blind and perhaps non-logical decisions, how can this be impeccable in “the now”?

M: Consider your actions and decisions carefully. If you really are committed to thwarting the eagle, time (to evolve) become of paramount importance.



R: I would like to know more about something you mentioned briefly. That is, directing energy to heal my right shoulder/arm. I’m quite tired of its worsening and won’t go to the doctor.

M: Somehow your approach appears to me to be an issue of self-impeccability. Suppose this process craters you – before you evolve? Food for the Eagle. For you it would be even worse on learning of your consumption because you ‘know better’. Impeccability, it is suggested, would require that you “do everything” to continue so that you can evolve. Why take any chance, any at all, that your actions would be self-defeating? How is that meeting impeccability?


R: I’ve not mentioned that I’ve been able to “smell/taste?” … something like that, … colors. Easily with yellow, orange and pink, rarely with red and green, never with blue or purple. And the sensation, though it varies in degree, is always the same for its color. Yellow and pink are my favorites. But I must intend doing it or it doesn’t happen. And the “sensation” is always momentary and it seems that if I do it, say, now, then I can’t do it again for awhile as strongly. Sort of like the ability must recharge. But it is such a wonderful thing, ah, yellow and pink … they are … I can’t describe it other than to say it is similar (but not really) to smell or taste.

M: The varying energy forms, wavelengths, of colors do impact all senses in a varied form. There is no reason why, to an empath, the taste sensations would not be involved in these distinctions.


R: My Castaneda site gets about many hits per month and I’m use to getting many E-mails from it. Having met you, I’m feeling that my responsibility to those who write has changed.

M: This is, of course, because you have experienced modification, enhancement, which extends toward further understanding -of everything (i.e., knowledge!).

R: Before I was just one of them: liking/loving the books for their “practical application,” no need to go into the “tales of power” stuff at all. Now that you’ve come along and opened me, so to speak, to the very real possibility that it is all a true account of the teachings of don Juan, I find myself in a bit of a quandary with E-mails like this one below. Don’t really know enough to tell him anything of what I now highly expect to be the case, but I can no longer just act as if only the “practical” side counts, either. Well, this really is not something to bother you with, I suppose (he says as he sends it anyway).

M: Ah, don’t be so certain of that last sentence … however you DID send it anyway … wonder why??? …

R: From: (snip) “Greetings from (snip), I enjoyed looking at your site. I’d like to chat with someone who’s into the practical application of Don Juan material into their daily life.” -(snip)

M: I read the quick ping from (snip) above and conjured up a response for “you”. Use it in any manner that you wish: it is written still, as instructional to you. You might find “your” response below, ah, well … interesting. Since it’s got you name hung at the end, it is a demand of impeccability that you review and modify it and fill in one blank …

M: Greetings, (snip). I’m always pleased to have someone contact me regarding the practical aspects of applying this philosophical concept into their lives. As you might suspect, rather much as Castaneda reported, there exists a system of sequential abilities that are involved with this philosophical approach. In the early phases of application, Castaneda’s reports of what don Juan Matus taught him can lead to a very practical form of self-awareness to the level that it can help people in explaining much about their interaction with others and how they perceive and feel as they do. This, naturally, is a form of “knowledge” in the promise of “the way of knowledge”. As “knowledge” becomes gained, and as self esteem (not ego) and understanding becomes broadened, the mind becomes freer to perceive. Perception, coupled with objective understanding, becomes another “source” of knowledge and more of the negative dependencies upon the human form are slowly whittled away. In order to develop beyond this point, a whole commitment to the process of “the way of knowledge” becomes required because increased “knowledge” brings with it commensurate responsibilities that test the candidate frequently. Success at this level of achievement confirms that the candidate is committed and this opens the path to the full second attention which dramatically increases knowledge, and further tests the impeccability of the candidate. Beyond the second attention, naturally, is the third attention where whole knowledge based on crystal-clear experiences is achieved. The “power of the universe,” although it flows to the candidate in the form of the second attention as a bridge, resides fully in the third attention. In order to travel into and experience the third attention, most of the human form of dependencies are required to be lost, or the conscious energy of an individual’s sentience cannot be sufficiently coherent to intend, travel, and navigate. Development of a self to this level means, truly, freedom from the Eagle. The “gift” of the Eagle, freedom, is really NOT a gift at all because each of us, as candidates, earn that freedom. Said in that manner, freedom is a reward from causation rather than a gift, and it requires significant time and understanding, even for the most committed, to achieve this progression of self-development.

M: (snip), as you might gather, many who enter this process as a means of personal development do so on initial curiosity, however, few master it, and even at the level of contact with others that I have, I truly know of only … The question is, what is your level of interest? Where do you see yourself as a matter of your own situation? What is your goal through this contact?

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos