Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

Bob: If it is a one time affair, then, damn our whole society sort of wastes our time on trivialities … or perhaps its just that way ( I think more and more worrying about WHY is a waste of time).

M: Yes, but there are lessons to be learned in those trivialities. The error is, of course, to hang onto those trivialities forever.

Bob: The population of humans that have become inorganic beings must be pretty small compared to all the people that have lived.

M: Yes, and for a time that was found sad. As nearly as experience dictates, it is probably less than perhaps one percent, but that is really as much of a guess as not.

Bob: Also … If the assemblage point assembles bands of awareness, it seems that some assemblage point, could assemble bands that perhaps were assembled by another person, and thus also give the appearance of memories which could lead one to think one has reincarnated

M: The assemblage point does not act independently: YOU assemble it; through your actions; through your growing knowledge; through your experience that becomes applied into being through knowledge.

Bob: Where does the assemblage point come from … are we the assemblage point? Where is the seat of awareness?

M: If you consider yourself layers of “attributes”, setup something like striations, then consider at what point these layer converge to bond into a whole. At the point that they converge, they could also be said at that point to “be assembled”. This is the assemblage point, and it dynamically changes in intensity and location as one evolves.

Bob: You know I didn’t ask you about this when we met and I should have … I was wondering about my will. Did it show? I mean because of things I have felt in my solar plexus, and also because I do seem to have much more “will power ” than most people I know. People even comment on it.

M: Your ability to “will” shows. The focus and impeccability to concentrate upon this so it remains a constant rather than being in place in various intensities and at various time frames, is a significant part of what loosing the human form and gaining knowledge is about.

M: By the way, this might be an interesting exchange to copy Rick on. If you feel that is the case, and since you sent it to me privately, please forward it to Rick if you wish to offer it.

M: Love

M: Michael ———-

M: Hello. Finally, I’m about caught up on all e/mails from you, Ed and Bob. Pay also attention to the woman that struck you. She is an important candidate.

R: I hate whining, Michael, so when I’m in a whiny mood I don’t like to be around anyone.

M: Then look at “why” you might whine and determine that you’re not going to do it – within yourself! If you whine internally, it’s still a dependency and at that point it doesn’t matter if you whine externally or not.

R: I’m going between concentrating on human form dependency as a way to still my mind and feeling sorry for myself about the fact that I have nothing I’m driven to do.

M: Ah, being “driven” to do something is an artifact of what society has been telling humans forever: DO SOMETHING!; BE SOMETHING! Usually the “something” is “something” that society finds acceptable and that IT can use for itself! If you can find the motivation to evolve yourself, personally, internally, then you are evolving.

R: I’ve heard it said that what makes people successful is not discipline but desire, that discipline follows desire, that is.

M: DJM/CC often pointed out to the discipline required to be successful in evolving. A university did a study many long yars (years) ago to learn why we have people with PhD’s working at menial jobs, and high school dropouts (like Lawrence Welk and Del Webb of Del Webb Construction) who became very economically successful. The answer was only “motivation”, and that is probably true of any human endeavour.

R: Oh well. It’s nice to be “on the path,” but my … I could just go on and on about it all. It looks to me to boil down to … I have no desire but the desire to desire something. Unfortunately that is not a practical place to be. Well, I wouldn’t bother you with this, but what the hell? I know it won’t effect (or infect) you. – Rick

M: Certainly it doesn’t impact directly, however the cause of the dilemma is a question. For whatever it might be worth, over my own life I have historically cratered myself for my lack of economic success or whatever, or because of a lack of motivation to have major power as a corporate chieftain, but these are things that were dismissed eventually as silly human form dependencies. These items are all relative, and as one learns more about what one is or can be, and as these are experienced, the internal attributes rebalance themselves.


M: The assemblage point is “very” easy to see as a component/striation in the luminous form. The discussion about this is intended to assist in understanding “what” is being seen when the evolution is appropriate for it to “be” seen. It would be relatively easy to “show” this in a graphical art form, however, it’s preferred, and more appropriate, that it all be “seen” when the time is correct for each individual so that the precise form will be objectively viewed and not “suggested” by reports directly.

R: I find myself reading it and kind of following it, but then, it doesn’t seem to stick anywhere in me. But I’m very happy to have the information there as I assume that these concepts will be of more value to me when I … well, not, “when I” anything, but just when they are (of more value to me). I suppose that to be (I guess this is my “when I”) the point when I can see energy directly as it flows in the universe.

M: Yes. Very true.

M: It is very positive that you can participate in this manner because it dramatically adds to the dialogue to facilitate you.


M: One can never self-describe self as “a nagual” since that would form a dependency upon a label: one can only “be”.


L: I was asleep. It is 3:23 am middle of the night here. I had the intent of answering to Michaels’ first e-mails in the morning. I was having a very strange dream. I felt engaged in some “active” and conscious kind of dreaming. (Never had this experience before). I was not doing that alone. It was like an active dream inside a normal dream.

M: Congratulations: this represents a significant process in gaining awareness. In impact, you were simultaneously aware of your position in the 1st attention, with a dream initiated in the 2nd attention, and a subsidiary dream on the bridge between the 2nd and third attentions. In it within this latter location that allies can be found to test and instruct a candidate. You might expect more of these experiences as long as you do not hold back.

L: At the same time that it was happening, I recall being very aware of my body, specially my back and neck. It was feeling very stretched and free. What I was doing with those partners was watching a tree. There were glows of lights between the leaves, going round, like small spirals (the size of big flowers) of energy. Different colors.

M: There are “components” of energy in everything, and in humans they are multi-colored with the colors relating to the intensity and form of the attribute that they represent. They often take the form of tetrahedrons as modules of energy from higher sentient forms, as humans.

L: I am half asleep now. I came out of bed half awakened by a thunder storm outside. I feel peaceful. Came directly to the computer which I had not turn off last night (I never do that). I have not read the two e-mails I now got from you Michael, yet. I do want to stay in this state and describe my dream first. I will answer to the e-mails probably tomorrow.

M: Good process!

L: I work out of home for many hours so it may take one day or two between my answers.

L: I do not remember more details of what I saw in the dream. I just know it was something done and repeated many times, and there was a continuous communication between me and the others who were watching those flows of energy with me.

M: As these occur, please pay attention to the details of “the others”. There is a consortium of allies based in the third attention to assist you.

L: Our communication was in words, I was listening to their voices. and speaking to them with some voice of mine. They were describing what we were seeing. It was beautiful, natural, and at the same time, different.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos