Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: Those who observe can take many forms.

Ed: Michael, who specifically are “those’ who observe and what forms can they take? Can they take the form of a household pet, for instance?

M: Not usually, it is inefficient. “They” are allies, and members of a consortium.

M: Bob has experienced seeing shape shift in a hotel room in Dallas.

Ed: However sometimes I think about this incident and wonder. As usual, would be glad to hear everyone’s thoughts.

M: Those who are predisposed to evolve through “the way” are often exposed to those who, in fact, are stalking the candidate.

Ed: Are you saying the man who grew in size and finally disappeared may have been stalking me?

M: Yes. It was a test.

M: This process has two impacts: first, it evaluates “through tests” the candidate to learn of the candidate’s reactions; and, secondly, it “marks” the candidate through the experience. Taisha Abelar was “marked” by her mentor and the process required years for her to eventually recognize.

M: There is more, however it’s not definitive that it’s yet appropriate to inform of more.

Bob: Ed, it sounds as if an inorganic being was getting your attention. By the way, I’m 49 and I know that song well. hallucinations are, from understanding, real. After all, a rise in temperature can move the assemblage point and assemble worlds that are very near to ours, but are very chaotic, and so you can experience strange things when sick. I often hear voices and people talking to me when I am ill. Its not all that pleasant. Luckily I haven’t been sick in over a year. Any kind of trauma can move the assemblage point and cause a person to see things he doesn’t expect … what is commonly called hallucinations most likely are bands that have been activated by the assemblage point that we don’t normally use, but are still very close to our realm of normal or average man perceptions. Love Bob

M: Nothing for me to add here.


M: Just a note that insofar as my processes are involved, everything is deeply personal. It is, in the learning form, usually a comfort to those in transition to find “like” individuals. After evolution beyond the human form, when the lessons are learned an ultimate “freedom” is literally in-hand, the primary attribute impelling/compelling is unconditional love.

L: I read all the e-mail that was coming to me from Michael and the others.

L: I am glad I am given the opportunity of sharing these exchanges. I will try to connect to those letters later.

M: For your reference, the concept of the multi-copies in e/mail is new here, and it is only for efficiency. Most of the exchanges that really assist in “launching” a person, or perhaps better said, facilitating the individual, occur on a private e/mail basis. For your reference, my responses to you will be to the e/mail paths that your address setup. If you send a private e/mail, it will remain private.

L: I see this multi-copies concept as similar as the branches of a tree. It is OK with me if others see what I write, and I am learning a lot from what I see in the other’s correspondence, between them and with you. If something does not feel good or right to me I will let you know. I feel it is very important to me that Rick gets a copy of what I write to you, and I am glad he is getting a copy of what you write back to me. It is a personal process, but at the same time it is not, the same as branches are individual branches but an organic part of the same tree. I am flowing in this. It is surely evolving quickly. I am recognizing some effects in me already. Still some of it it is hard to recall or put in words. You are helping me see some things much more clear.

M: This is the purpose of facilitation. There is more, of course, however this is the next phase for you. Intrinsically you were very close to a threshold of transformation when you came to this dialogue, thanks to Rick and his site. The purpose of our interaction, engaging each other, is to facilitate and complete this phase.

L: Just wanted to share something that “happenned” to me yesterday afternoon. It was between “funny” and “unusual”. I would like to know if it may be related with what we are dealing with here.

M: Good.

L: I came from work with a friend. She gave me a ride in her car. I left work much earlier than usual. When we arrived to the place where I had to get off the car, she stopped it, and I, instead of just getting off, found myself in a weird situation (hard to remember what really happened) where probably my feet got stuck in something. The result was that the way I found myself out of the car was as if something had lifted me in the air, and threw me directly to the sidewalk, leaving me on the ground, half sitting, half lying on my back. It did not hurt at all, it felt like a very soft long landing from a high place but it was really funny. It was kind of impossible or illogical. I do not see how it happened. I was there on the ground, the car’s door open, looking directly to my friend’s face, and we were both laughing soundly in one second. Since that moment until late at night, I felt I was experiencing some altered state of consciousness.

M: You were, and are. There were experiences within the experience that you have not yet identified.

L: This gives me a very strong insight. I understand what you are saying. This makes clear to me a confusion I am carrying with me for years.

M: If ever there is confusion, take actions to resolve it and never carry it because it is energy depletion.

M: In a mode of peace and meditation you will find experience within the event that occurred on the bridge between the 2nd and 3rd attentions.

L: I will try to do this

M: Good. Please, as you connect to it, note the sensations that will occur within and upon your body. These are signals to trigger the memory of what occurred.

M: Since you were also aware of your state of physical being at the time, the connection actually ran through all of the attentions, but since the “deepest” phase was on the bridge of the 2nd and 3rd attentions, it was preparatory.

L: Preparatory for what?

M: A tendril of energy was placed to connect you to further advancement. Think of this like a sting that one might see on the trail, where the string leads to something unseen. The “string” connected to you has a path and a direction that when you grasp it, you can follow. This course will lead to more events, probably in step-function ways, to now test your impeccability. It is an important segment of your candidacy. The tests for your level of evolution will be profound. Tests are always commensurate to ability: the higher the ability the more profound the tests. From the tests we learn dramatically and dynamically more, even if we fail. Remember more than ever, impeccability as your watchword or mantra if needed. The goal of impeccability is freedom and non-dependency, not arrogance or protections.

L: Some minutes after it happened, I was walking, and I met by chance a friend I have not seen for six years. Six years ago, the last time we met before he left to LA to study film making, I gave him a present: a book, the “Shaman’s Body” (related to Castaneda’s work). I never heard from him since then until yesterday, some minutes after I landed on my back. And this was just the first of two more very strange encounters with people. I felt very open. And very “unattached” at the same time.

L: Could that “falling on my back” have affected the location of my assemblage point?

M: The events within the events, on the previously noted bridge, impacted your attributes and the location of your assemblage point.

L: Does intent take place in the first or second attention? Can I know at this moment what my intent is?

M: Intent, actually, runs through “all” of the attentions, varying only in intensity. Place yourself in the sun in a quiet and undisturbed place. Listen to the breeze, and feel the flows of nature. Find peace, and connect to love. Intent will be manifest.

L: I have the feeling that I am going through some unknown process within a conscious process, (which means in some other attention?), and that I am not fully aware of what it is. What happened in the car was something that has to do with that intent.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos