Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

R: Another question that comes to mind for me at times is this one I spoke of before related to the sense of blackness I once had: How is it that there IS anything?

M: This response can be entered in several approaches, and since you have previously been reluctant to flow with “science” discussions, I’ll try to keep this simple and retain accuracy.

M: Everything – repeat, everything – including all that you and anything else, structural, or organic, everywhere ubiquitously in the universe, are constructed from only a handful of particles and energy that binds these together. These (sub-atomic) particles have been within the universe forever. We don’t know why, but “it is” this way. As processes evolved in the whole of the universe, the particles organized and everything that exists including nebula, galaxies, solar systems, planets, and all matter, organic or inorganic, was formed. You, Rick Mace, are formed from the very beginning of constructs that are timeless. There is a great deal more to say about this, but at least this is a start.

R: Where IS the universe and what IS it?

M: The universe is a formation of energy. It exists in several dimensions including the subatomic quantum electrodynamics level of energy formation which we understand to require about ten dimensions, and sentience itself requires many of these dimensions.

M: The energy is carried and propagated as fields and through fields the motions of particles at the subatomic and atomic levels. Some of those form Rick, and everything else that can be conceptualized, including the constructs of all sentience, organic or inorganic. Everything is derived from these basis. The universe is around and within you. It is ubiquitous.

R: So that if one were to fully evolve, where would they then be and what would be the purpose?

M: The direct answer to your question is that one becomes a field of sentient conscious energy. The difference between “this” energy and the random energy in the universe is only that it is organized into sentience. Normally one would intuit that this energy might simply scatter and rejoin the like-energy in the universe. This would be true, except for “intent”. It is “intent” that is held within the energy of sentience itself that binds it together. In order to have sufficient intent, it is necessary to loose all dependencies or the energy will “scatter” into the universe from which it was derived, and it might be said that this is to dissipate into oblivion: Eagle snacks.

M: So the answer to the question “what would they then be?” is simply: pure beings of energy.

M: The next question answer, “where would they then be” is simply: anywhere in the universe. Travellers, capable at will of moving a light wave speed, perhaps more.

M: The next question answer, “what would be the purpose” is simply: to continue to evolve. As pure beings of energy, the same energy that is replete throughout the universe, sentient or not, it is possible to conjoin with others. Since all energy has the same formational components, the being of pure energy may, on intent, conjoin with others as a form of a consortium, to gain infinite knowledge, and to impact outcomes and events. By bringing others to the same evolution, the sentience of the universe becomes increased. About in the late 1600’s, a mathematician/philosopher, Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz, published a model for consciousness in the universe that was essentially correct.

M: Many exchanges ago, I commented to you that there is a spectral gradation of “ability” once the human become inorganic, meaning in CC/DJM terms, looses the human form sufficiently to circumvent self-dissipation into oblivion, i.e. gain freedom from the eagle. The comment was made that these “levels” could be viewed in five increments, although these are for purposes of description only since in truth it all forms a spectra of various levels of awareness or ability.

M: At the metaphor of “level 1” although the Eagle has been thwarted, there is insufficient ability to travel. It’s sort of a form of stasis. Religions might say that the “soul is stuck” somewhere. It’s like being trapped in a peaceful library without the ability to travel or to influence. Skipping to “level 3”, there is the ability to travel and even “observe” others. There is learning from observation, but no real power and events and others cannot be influenced. A good analogy would be a traveller who can observe – like watching a travelog movie as the metaphor of the armchair traveller – and there is travel but little in the way of experience. At “level 5” there is sufficient energy to travel universally, and not only that, to conjoin into a consortium of consciousness, with others wherein all experiences and power of all in the consortium become conjoined. One is not restricted to “being” conjoined, since this is a resource to gain more ability and knowledge. Since the energy form of consciousness is comprised of components that are replete in all formations of the universe, structural or other, then this energy has the ability to interact with, alter, enhance, impact, any other form of matter or energy. Thought, space, time, energy, and matter are NOT the separate constructs of formation that humans are led to believe.

M: Whew. That was a lot for your one sentence question set.

M: I believe that the response above is sufficient, if not in detail, in concept. Healers, by the way, simply have the ability to project their fields of energy, to alter organic matter and assist in a correct reorganization of that matter. This is possible because the constructs of the fields themselves are components of what constitutes all matter at the quantum level – in the quantum universe.


R: Thank you, Michael. There is a lot to take in there. Still, though, I continue to have the sense of “nothing” as in “Why is there anything?”

M: It doesn’t matter “why” – it just IS, and can be limitless as one builds and evolves.

R: I don’t really care about the answer … or maybe … I do care but think that the answer is “there is no purpose”

M: The purpose is to continually evolve. Once the apprentice/candidate evolves to the ability to avoid self-oblivion, then the gateway opens to truly evolve. If you believe that “there is no purpose” then your actions in “working” with me cannot be possible. When actions and words don’t match, always believe actions, and so I believe yours. If you really “feel” anything when you say “there is no purpose” then you are only hanging on to a convenient method to find an excuse not to evolve and to self-destruct. Although this might be further evidence of barriers that are self-imposed, they are begging to be brought down – with your will.

R: I recall dj telling cc that a warrior is not interested in the meaning of life but only striving for impeccability.

NOTE: This next (one) paragraph seems to best be inserted here. It was a lone E-mail from Michael that came:

M: Greetings, Rick. I returned from a trip yesterday, and I have this open item to return to you. On the trip, other than handling technical physics schnarff, it became possible to conjoin, finally, with another apprentice who after 17 years of hit and miss acceptance and rejection of “what she is” has committed to her evolution and in the frame of two evenings, catapulted two levels of ability set simply by loosing the form of self-denial and late in the first evening saw, for the first time, her cocoon and it’s brilliant formations.

M: Well, the apprentice has been nibbling around the fringes for many, many, years. About two years ago when visiting, the decision was made to “catapult” her in front of her husband. Her husband, although he is not particularly accomplished, determined correctly that if his wife continued to refuse to accept herself and her abilities – that had been identified as far back at 1982 during experiments with me – she would eventually self-destruct. So, I “linked” (bonded our energy cocoons) together with her about two years ago in front of her husband. Using this awareness as a powerful tool, it was setup for her to find the boundary of her husband’s being, and on command (to make a point) while standing about ten feet away from her husband, she was able to push him down to the floor only with telekinetic energy. As he fell, he was (geeze, cough) “impressed”, and her mouth dropped open as she realized what she had done. Although it was true that this feat was facilitated because of my intervention and bonding to her, and also facilitated by my intent, the direction and channeling of the energy was hers.

M: So, with this impressive demonstration of “ability” (“power” would not be an unreasonable term) what would one suspect that she would do?

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos