Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

R: Back to the writter with what I thought to be the mistaken idea of “detachment,” I wrote, “Do you want to be detached from your present life? Here is how that works: You detach yourself from your present life by becoming fully involved in it in every detail and doing your absolute best in every aspect of it. In fact, the only possible way to do your absolute best in every aspect of your current life is by being fully detached from it. This has nothing to do with leaving anything or anyone, it has to do with not being hooked to the results of your efforts in whatever you do. You do your best, and then you do your best again, and then again, and you never stop! And you’re totally “detached” from the results, you’re not after (nor are you shunning) fame or glory or money … you’re just after doing your best. Period. That is detachment and not thinking you have to “leave” anything. What you have to leave is the notion that there is anything to leave. That is detachment.”

M: Another way of stating this is to say that one must operate with impeccability toward his/her tasks, and impeccability demands objectivity, which is exactly the form of ‘detachment’ that you state. A person’s ability to be objective about anything, starts with their ability to be objective about themselves. A person’s ability to trust, starts with their ability to trust themselves. A person’s ability to loose the human form with sufficient self-esteem to love unconditionally, starts with an individual ability to love oneself unconditionally, that that in turn, facilitates connection to the power of the universe. In working with my proteges and apprentices, the above is an emphasis in all matters, hard science, or metaphysical development. The ‘detachment’ that you speak of is in actuality, detachment from the human form of emotions, those emotions that will distort objectivity and falsify the results and the value of any ‘knowledge’.

M: The expansion of this drives one to be detached from any negative connotation associated with death, and therein is found detachment in the form that you have indicated. The removal of negative connotation is to be replaced with the goal: continuance; freedom from consumption by the eagle. Detachment; that is, removal of the negative connotation by itself, is not sufficient because the goal is not stated “only” by detachment and loosing the human form. The goal is continuance: into infinity; the result of personal power, which better said, is really attribute or ability, thus circumventing the human-form connotation of ‘power’ (which to society means many negative constructs).

R: From my Castaneda compilation, don Juan says, “A detached man, who knows he has no possibility of fencing off his death, has only one thing to back himself with: the power of his decisions. He has to be, so to speak, the master of his choices. He must fully understand that his choice is his responsibility and once he makes it there is no longer time for regrets or recriminations. His decisions are final, simply because his death does not permit him time to cling to anything. And thus with an awareness of his death, with his detachment, and with the power of his decisions a warrior sets his life in a strategical manner. The knowledge of his death guides him and makes him detached and silently lusty; the power of his final decisions makes him able to choose without regrets and what he chooses is always strategically the best; and so he performs everything he has to with gusto and lusty efficiency.”

M: Objectivity prevails! Ayn Rand couldn’t have done better.

R: Don Juan continues, “A man can go still further than that; a man can learn to see. Upon learning to see he no longer needs to live like a warrior, nor be a sorcerer. Upon learning to see a man becomes everything by becoming nothing. He, so to speak, vanishes and yet he’s there. I would say that this is the time when a man can be or can get anything he desires. But he desires nothing, and instead of playing with his fellow men like they were toys, he meets them in the midst of their folly. The only difference between them is that a man who sees controls his folly, while his fellow men can’t. A man who sees has no longer an active interest in his fellow men. Seeing has already detached him from absolutely everything he knew before.”

M: Yes! Another expansion of the term is that there is sufficient knowledge, ability and self-esteem, that the dependencies on human-form control are no longer necessary. True, point-blank. This does NOT mean that the person does not control in the form of self-navigation, himself, and only himself.

R: And, “Don’t let the idea of being detached from everything you know give you the chills. The thing which should give you the chills is not to have anything to look forward to but a lifetime of doing that which you have always done. Think of the man who plants corn year after year until he’s too old and tired to get up, so he lies around like an old dog. His thoughts and feelings, the best of him, ramble aimlessly to the only things he has ever done, to plant corn. For me that is the most frightening waste there is. Detachment does not automatically mean wisdom, but it is nonetheless, an advantage because it allows the warrior to pause momentarily to reassess situations, to reconsider positions. In order to use that extra moment consistently and correctly, however, a warrior has to struggle unyieldingly for a lifetime.”

M: To get in touch with one’s evolution, it’s necessary to have a vision, and a vision cannot come from locked minds. Once even a small shaft of light opens for a potential warrior to see, then it’s up to the candidate warrior to open in increasing ways to learn where the shaft of light has it’s derivatives, then act in proportion to that knowledge.

R: Don Juan again, “A warrior is someone who seeks freedom. Sadness is not freedom. We must snap out of it. Having a sense of detachment entails having a moment’s pause to reassess situations.”

M: Yes.

R: Continuing, “Formlessness is, if anything, a detriment to sobriety and levelheadedness. An aspect of being detached, the capacity to become immersed in whatever one is doing, naturally extends to everything one does, including being inconsistent, and outright petty. The advantage of being formless is that it allows us a moment’s pause, providing that we have the self-discipline and courage to utilize it.”

M: Even as pure sentience, fields of consciousness in the third attention, we are NOT formless or undefined though. In the third attention, the ultimate in evolution, and particularly while travelling at near light speed, it requires cohesiveness to maintain oneself as coherent energy, coherent consciousness. Any human form dependency, even in small distractions, threaten this especially during travel. When at a destination in the third attention, the energetic form of consciousness is wholly coherent, concise, and can learn as a stalker and participate as a dreamer or a stalker: this is instructed from experience of multiple occasions.

R: Don Juan, “Petty tyrants teach us detachment.”

M: Very, very true. This is the asset they represent.

R: Don Juan, “The ingredients of the new seers’ strategy shows how efficient and clever is the device of using a petty tyrant. The strategy not only gets rid of self-importance; it also prepares warriors for the final realization that impeccability is the only thing that counts in the path of knowledge.”

M: Very very true.

R: Don Juan, “The first attention consumes all the glow of awareness that human beings have, and not an iota of energy is left free. So, the new seers proposed that warriors, since they have to enter into the unknown, have to save their energy.”

M: With preparation, the unknown is “not” unknown in any large measure. What is attempted to be said by this, is that it’s not a quantum leap into the unknown for the warrior who is sufficiently prepared because during the trials of self-preparation, each component, each element along the ‘way of knowledge’ becomes almost fore-known at least to the point where each new experience is not a out-of-context surprise. Although the experiences may be unique at the time of newness, they are not unanticipated: they have a flow; this, facilitates the process.

R: Don Juan, “But where are they going to get energy, if all of it is taken? They’ll get it from eradicating unnecessary habits. Eradicating unnecessary habits detaches awareness from self-reflection and allows it the freedom to focus on something else. To be a peerless nagual, one has to love freedom, and one has to have supreme detachment. What makes the warrior’s path so very dangerous is that it is the opposite of the life situation of modern man. Modern man has left the realm of the unknown and the mysterious, and has settled down in the realm of the functional. He has turned his back to the world of the foreboding and the exulting and has welcomed the world of boredom. If warriors are going to have an internal dialogue, they should have the proper dialogue. That’s the detached manipulation of intent through sober commands.”

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos