Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

B: I have realized lately that this life … in 120 years EVERYONE on this planet today, will be dead. You, Me.

M: It is only accurate to observe that our bodies will change state from living organic processes to other processes, organic or not. The energy of the subatomic structures that make your body, never dies – never, but they do change state at the macro-assembly level.

B: And so what we do doesn’t really matter at all.

M: Not true. Every decision you make, every action to take, has a consequence. Every action/decision you do NOT make: has a consequence. The true question is to understand that the primary responsibility to yourself is, simply, to facilitate your own evolution.

B: In fact the ONLY worthwhile endeavor is to die with consciousness and awareness intact. ThatÕs what they say in Buddhism, and thatÕs what they say in Carlos Castaneda’s. And I can tell its true.

M: Accordingly, everything you do to facilitate this result, you do now in life, so what you do – has a consequence that is profound and what you do rather than “not mattering”, is just the opposite.

B: After all we wouldn’t be trying to make our lives better, if they didn’t suck. And why come back here time after time after time. To be free of reincarnation is the only true thing of value to pursue.

M: Insofar as can be determined, there is no reincarnation, however, memories stored with the DNA structure that caused us to become organic, would lead one to believe that. The key words in this piece above, is “to be free”. Free of what? Our lives most certainly do “not” suck. That is a human form ego statement, and the statement of a victim, which is also the confined human form reference. If you truly think that your life “sucks” then you are contained within the human form and that blocks evolution. You have one opportunity to circumvent “the eagle” metaphor, and that opportunity is wonderful and held within your life. How can it be even vaguely suggestive that this life, or any other, “sucks” since it provides the one opportunity to evolve – carrying “your now” into forever?!

M: Since Rick facilitated this response, please copy him on any response to me.

M: Peace

M: Michael


B: I have another matter I would like to bring up. Two years ago, maybe 3, I decided that, if we have a guardian angel I wanted direct communication with mine (I don’t believe in guardian angels anymore, only the intervention with spirit) at any rate … I began to ask my Guardian to communicate with me. I did this every day for 3 months , when I was rewarded with a sort of electric shock (thatÕs what it feels like) that entered in the bottom of my feet, and travelled up through my body, up and down 3 times, and then gone. This went on for several weeks, when one day the entity initiated contact without my request. Now Guardian pops in on its own, usually to “underline” something that is happening, or something I have read, or sometimes when I am very happy, and then also it seems to soothe me when I am sad. After reading several of CC’s books I have begun to believe this being is an ally. It usually helps me when I am trying to do a psychic reading to help someone ( I did those for a while ) and would tell me things. I it doesn’t tell me things with words, just when it is in me I have a greater ability to see. I do not believe this is kuddalini.

M: What religions call “guardian angels” are really the same as “allies”. What simply happened when you made your requests, you extended some of your energy/life fields at the same time as a matter of your request. This, combined with your studied background, identified you as a “candidate” apprentice that could be engaged. The result was that the sentient energy of the “ally” connected (connects) with you.

M: This, though, is still a test. There is a consortium of “allies” (for lack of a better term for now) that are all connected to the field/forces/energy of the universe. As you progress, it is anticipated that more will connect with you as you are ready: one step at a time.

B: I asked it one time to reveal itself to me, and briefly I saw a swirling mass, looking much like smoke or heat waves, a sort of sphere, about 18 feet across inside ( and through the wall) of my house. It responds to the name Guardian, and that seems to fit. Yet I don’t know how to benefit from its help exactly … though that may sound like I am ignorant.

M: When you are connected/conjoined with this sentient field, attempt to go into as deep of a form and state of meditation as you might be able. Initially, you will “feel/perceive” some emotional states and also some pressures/forces and energy points upon your body and your own cocoon. One at a time, carefully, slowly, place your focus on each perception, on each point, as if you were investigating/interrogating each for a “message” that would be held within these perceptions. There may be several of these in successional sequence. Attempt to find the ability to feel profound love as you conjoin with your ally and the field exchange will become more intense.

B: I have been experiencing a growing and profound since of loneliness. I first started reading CC when I was 21. I had devised a way of making myself conscious during my dreams ( I have invented the wheel many times and after about a week I told a fellow art student about it and he told me about the books by Carlos. That was in 1972. I stopped my studies, however, when one day I noticed that I had lost my ability to distinguish between the esthetic qualities of a shirt, and a painting. They were the same. I knew I could not make art under those conditions. I did, however, continue to strengthen my connection with spirit ( though I didn’t know that was what I was doing) ever since. And the I came down Ill for a year, spent that year meditating, was disembodied one day while meditating.

M: The loneliness that you are or have experienced is an artifact of the human form. Although this might seem strange at first, loneliness is a form of self-isolation that is a subtle dependency based on ego. When the human form is truly lost, the cocoon of energy that represents all of what an individual has evolved to be, becomes continually connected to the energy/field of the universe and the sentient consciousness that exists throughout the universe. At that point, the self-isolation that causes loneliness drops away, and a whole transformation occurs as one “bonds” with not only the universe, but the sentience within it. Although the depth of this might only be fully understood as one travels in and through the limitless third attention, meeting and conjoining with others of the consortium, it is still possible to accomplish the feat of universal connection while still in the first attention as a parallel reality that forms in conjunction with all other realities to form a whole.

B: At any rate that is enough of my personal history. Rick, I am studying your notes on THE ART OF DREAMING and find them to clear up many facts that are not so clear in the other books. I was able to lucid dream for a year, then for some reason it stopped. I never did know what to do with it at the time anyway. Spent most of my time flying and having sex. A true waste.

M: Not so much a waste, but evidence of dependency. The chemical changes in the body that sex causes can be addictive and from that understanding, it is simply an addictive dependency. This is not to connote that sex is not acceptable. Just like any other physical and emotional endeavor, the question is if it forms obsessive dependencies, and that is the subject of anyone’s individual understanding of impeccability for self. There is another construct to examine in sex: the interaction with the other person. If sex is seen as a mechanism for personal control, then it is evidence of issues of ego and self esteem. The “way of knowledge” to cause “freedom” requires the highest possible form of self-esteem, because in that state, there are no dependencies required.

B: Ignorance is not a good thing. I have taken to turning the inner voice off at times, and letting it run at other times, but it seems to be a key ingredient in all of the writings.

M: Most individuals as candidates to evolve, sometimes get hung up on thinking rather than allowing knowledge to flow as derived from perception.

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Categories: Castaneda, Carlos