Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

In consequence, efforts were being directed by the head men of the bearers to making a more permanent camp in the wilderness. Shelters of palm-thatched huts were being built, a site for cooking fires made, and, at the direction of Mr. Damon, to whom this part was entrusted, some sanitary regulations were insisted on.

Leaving this busy scene, the four, with solemn faces, proceeded to the tent where it was hoped the map would be found. But though they went through everything, and traced and retraced every place the professor could remember having traversed about the canvas shelter, no signs of the important document could be found.

“I don’t believe I dropped it out of my pocket,” said the scientist, for perhaps the twentieth time.

“Then it was taken,” declared Tom.

“That’s what I say!” chimed in Ned. “And by some of Beecher’s party!”



“Easy, my boy,” cautioned Mr. Damon. “We don’t want to make accusations we can’t prove.”

“That is true,” agreed Professor Bumper. “But, though I am sorry to say it of a fellow archaelogist,{sic} I can not help thinking Beecher had something to do with the taking of my map.”

“But how could any of them get it?” asked Mr. Damon. “You say you had the map this morning, and certainly none of them has been in our camp since dawn, though of course it is possible that some of them sneaked in during the night.”

“It does seem a mystery how it could have been taken in open daylight, while we were about camp together,” said Tom. “But is the loss such a grave one, Professor Bumper?”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor