Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“I thought it was a new kind of alligator,” said Mr. Damon with a sigh of relief.



“Where is it?” asked Professor Bumper, coming up at this juncture. “A new species of alligator? Let me see it!”

“It’s too horrible,” said Mr. Damon. “I never want to see one again. It was worse than a vampire bat!”

Notwithstanding this, when he heard that it was one of the largest sized iguanas ever seen, the professor started through the jungle after it.

“We can’t take it with us if we get it,” Tom called after his friend.

“We might take the skin,” answered the professor. “I have a standing order for such things from one of the museums I represent. I’d like to get it. Then they are often eaten. We can have a change of diet. you see.”

“We’d better follow him,” said Tom to Ned. “We’ll have to let the turkeys go for a while. He may get into trouble. Come on.”

Off they started through the jungle, trailing after the impetuous professor who was intent on capturing the iguana. The giant lizard’s progress could be traced by the disturbance of the leaves and underbrush, and the professor was following as closely as possible.

So fast did he go that Ned, Tom and Mr. Damon, following, lost sight of him several times, and Tom finally called:



“Wait a minute. We’ll all be lost if you keep this up.”

“I’ll have him in another minute,” answered the professor. “I can almost reach him now. Then — — Oh!”

His voice ended in a scream that seemed to be one of terror. So sudden was the change that Tom and Ned, who were together, ahead of Mr. Damon, looked at one another in fear.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor