Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“To answer your question,” said Professor Bumper, “I will say that I have made partial arrangements for men and animals, and boats if it is found feasible to use them. I’ve been in correspondence with one of the merchants here, and he promised to make arrangements for us.”

“When do we leave?” asked Mr. Damon.

“As soon as possible. I am not going to risk anything by delay,” and it was evident the professor referred to his young rival whose arrival might be expected almost any time.



As the party was about to leave the table, they were approached by a tall, dignified Spaniard who bowed low, rather exaggeratedly low, Ned thought, and addressed them in fairly good English.

“Your pardons, Se�ors,” he began, “but if it will please you to avail yourself of the humble services of myself, I shall have great pleasure in guiding you into the interior. I have at my command both mules and boats.”

“How do you know we are going into the interior?” asked Tom, a bit sharply, for he did not like the assurance of the man.

“Pardon, Se�or. I saw that you are from the States. And those from the States do not come to Honduras except for two reasons. To travel and make explorations or to start trade, and professors do not usually engage in trade,” and he bowed to Professor Bumper.

“I saw your name on the register,” he proceeded, “and it was not difficult to guess your mission,” and he flashed a smile on the party, his white teeth showing brilliantly beneath his small, black moustache.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor