Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders



was something in Tom’s manner, though he tried to speak indifferently, that made Ned believe there was more behind his chum’s sudden change of determination than had yet appeared.

“He never mentioned you,” went on Professor Bumper; “yet the last time I saw him I said I was coming to see you, though I did not tell him why.”

“No, he wouldn’t be likely to speak of me,” said Tom significantly.

“Well, if that’s all settled, I guess I’ll go back home and pack up,” said Mr. Damon, making a move to depart.

“There’s no special rush,” Tom said. “We won’t leave for a week. I can’t get ready in much less time than that.”

“Bless my socks! I know that,” ejaculated Mr. Damon. “But if I get my things packed I can go to a hotel to stay while my wife is away. She might take a notion to come home unexpectedly, and, though she is a dear, good soul, she doesn’t altogether approve of my going off on these wild trips with you, Tom Swift. But if I get all packed, and clear out, she can’t find me and she can’t hold me back. She is visiting her mother now. I can send her a wire from Kurzon after I get there.”

“I don’t believe the telegraph there is working,”



laughed Professor Bumper. “But suit yourself. I must go back to New York to arrange for the goods we’ll have to take with us. In a week, Tom, we’ll start.”

“You must stay to dinner,” Tom said. “You can’t get a train now anyhow, and father wants to meet you again. He’s pretty well, considering his age. And he’s much better I verily believe since I said I’d turn over to him the task of finishing the stabilizer. He likes to work.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor