Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“No, thank you. I’m too old to be jounced around in one of those small cars.”

“Nonsense! She rides as easily as a Pullman sleeper.”

“Well, I have to go to a Red Cross meeting, anyhow, so I can’t come, Tom. Thank you, just the same.”

Tom did not drive back immediately to his home. He wanted to do a bit of thinking, and he believed he could do it best by himself. So it was late afternoon when he again greeted Ned, who, meanwhile, had been kept very busy.

“Well?” called Tom’s chum.

“Um!” was the only answer, and Tom called Koku to put the car away in the garage.

“Something wrong,” mused Ned.



The next three days were crowded with events and with work. Mr. Damon came over frequently to consult with Tom and Ned, and finally the last of their baggage had been packed, certain of Tom’s inventions and implements sent on by express to New York to be taken to Honduras, and then our friends themselves followed to the metropolis.

“Good-bye, Tom,” said his father. “Good-bye, and good luck! If you don’t get the idol of gold I’m sure you’ll have experiences that will be valuable to you.”

“We’re going to get the idol of gold!” said Tom determinedly.

“Look out for the bad bugs,” suggested Eradicate.

“We will,” promised Ned.

Tom’s last act was to send a message to Mary Nestor, and then he, with Ned and Mr. Damon, who blessed everything in sight from the gasoline in the automobile to the blue sky overhead, started for the station.

New York was reached without incident. The trio put up at the hotel where Professor Bumper was to meet them.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor