Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“What was?” asked Ned. “Do you think I’m a mind reader to be able to guess?”

“No, indeed! I beg your pardon. I’ll tell you at once. But I couldn’t break away. It was too important. To whom do you think I was talking just then?”

“I can imagine almost any one, seeing I know something of what you have done. It might be almost anybody from some person you met up in the caves of ice to a red pygmy from the wilds of Africa.”



“I’m afraid neither of them would be quite up to telephone talk yet,” laughed Tom. “No, this was the gentleman who wrote that interesting article about the idol of gold,” and he motioned to the magazine Ned held in his hand.

“You don’t mean Professor Bumper!”

“That’s just whom I do mean.”

“What did he want? Where did he call from?”

“He wants me to help organize an expedition to go to Central America — to the Copan valley, to be exact — to look for this somewhat mythical idol of gold. Incidentally the professor will gather in any other antiques of more or less value, if he can find any, and he hopes, even if he doesn’t find the idol, to get enough historical material for half a dozen books, to say nothing of magazine articles.”

“Where did he call from; did you say?”

“I didn’t say. But it was a long-distance call from New York. The Professor stopped off there on his way from Boston, where he has been lecturing before some society. And now he’s coming here to see me,” finished Tom.

“What! Is he going to lecture here?” cried Ned. “If he is, and spouts a whole lot of that bone-dry stuff about the ancient Mayan civilization and their antiquities, with side lights on

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Categories: Appleton, Victor