Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“But I didn’t let him get away,” he said in triumph when he had dropped the clawing insect into the cyanide bottle where death came painlessly. “It is well worth a sore thumb.”

They wandered on through the jungle, taking care not to get too far from their camp, for they did not want to lose their way, nor did they want to be absent too long in case Tolpec and his native friends should return.

“Well, it’s about time we shot something, I think,” remarked Ned, when they had been out about two hours. “Let’s try for some of these wild turkeys. They ought to go well roasted even if it isn’t Thanksgiving.”

“I’m with you,” agreed Tom. “Let’s see who has the best luck. But tone down the charge in your rifle and use a smaller projectile, or you’ll have nothing but a bunch of feathers to show for your shot. The guns are loaded for deer.”

The change was made, and once more the two young men started off, a little ahead of Professor



Bumper and Mr. Damon. Tom and Ned had not gone far, however, before they heard a strange cry from Mr. Damon.

“Tom! Ned!” shouted the eccentric man, “Here’s a monster after me! Come quick!”

“A tiger!” ejaculated Tom, as he began once more to change the charge in his rifle to a larger one, running back, meanwhile, in the direction of the sound of the voice.

There were really no tigers in Honduras, the jaguar being called a tiger by the natives, while the cougar is called a lion. The presence of these animals, often dangerous to man, had been indicated around camp, and it was possible that one had been bold enough to attack Mr. Damon, not through hunger, but because of being cornered.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor