Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“Well, I’m doubly glad,” answered Tom.

“So here we are,” went on Mr. Damon, “and you’ve simply got to come, Tom Swift. You must go with us!” and Mr. Damon, in his enthusiasm, banged his fist down on the table with such force that he knocked some books to the floor.

Koku, the giant, who was in the hall, opened the door and in his imperfect English asked:

“Master Tom knock for him bigs man?”

“No,” answered Tom with a smile, “I didn’t knock or call you, Koku. Some books fell, that is all.”



“Massa Tom done called fo’ me, dat’s what he done!” broke in the petulant voice of Eradicate.

“No, Rad, I don’t need anything,” Tom said. “Though you might make a pitcher of lemonade. It’s rather warm.”

“Right away, Massa Tom! Right away!” cried the old colored man, eager to be of service.

“Me help, too!” rumbled Koku, in his deep voice. “Me punch de lemons!” and away he hurried after Eradicate, fearful lest the old servant do all the honors.

“Same old Rad and Koku,” observed Mr. Damon with a smile. “But now, Tom, while they’re making the lemonade, let’s get down to business. You’re going with us, of course!”

“Where?” asked Tom, more from habit than because he did not know.

“Where? Why to Honduras, of course! After the idol of gold! Why, bless my fountain pen, it’s the most wonderful story I ever heard of! You’ve read Professor Bumper’s article, of course. He told me you had. I read it on the train coming over. He also told me about it, and — — Well, I’m going with him, Tom Swift.

“And think of all the adventures that may befall us! We’ll get lost in buried cities, ride down raging torrents on a raft, fall over a cliff maybe and be rescued. Why, it makes me feel quite

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Categories: Appleton, Victor