Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“There are said to be many curious things,” went on Jacinto, speaking as though he had no interest. “You have mentioned buried cities. Have you thought what may be in them — great heathen temples, idols, perhaps?”

For a moment none of the professor’s companions spoke. It was as though Jacinto had tried to get some information. Finally the scientist said:

“Oh, yes, we may find an idol. I understand the ancient people, who were here long before the Spaniards came, worshiped idols. But we shall take whatever antiquities we find.”

“Huh!” grunted Jacinto, and then he called to the paddlers to increase their strokes.



The journey up the river was not very eventful. Many alligators were seen, and Tom and Ned shot several with the electric rifle. Toward the close of the third day’s travel there was a cry from one of the rear boats, and an alarm of a man having fallen overboard was given.

Tom turned in time to see the poor fellow’s struggles, and at the same time there was a swirl in the water and a black object shot forward.

“An alligator is after him!” yelled Ned.

“I see,” observed Tom calmly. “Hand me the rifle, Ned.”

Tom took quick aim and pulled the trigger. The explosive electric bullet went true to its mark, and the great animal turned over in a death struggle. But the river was filled with them, and no sooner had the one nearest the unfortunate Indian been disposed of than another made a dash for the man.

There was a wild scream of agony and then a dark arm shot up above the red foam. The waters seethed and bubbled as the alligators fought under it for possession of the paddler. Tom fired bullet after bullet from his wonderful rifle into the spot, but though he killed some of the alligators this did not save the man’s life. His body was not seen again, though search was made for it.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor