Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“I am not so very much concerned about him,” remarked Professor Bumper, dryly.

“Why not?” snapped out Mr. Damon.

“Well, because I think he’ll have just about as hard work locating the hidden city, and finding the idol of gold, as we’ll have. In other words



it will be an even thing, unless he gets too far ahead of us, or keeps us back, and I don’t believe he can do that now.

“So I thought it best to take a chance with this Indian. He would hardly have taken the trouble to come all the way back, and run the risks he did, just to delay us a few days. However, we’ll soon know. Meanwhile, we’ll take it easy and wait for the return of Tolpec and his friends.”

Though none of them liked to admit it, Ned’s words had caused his three friends some anxiety, and though they busied themselves about the camp there was an air of waiting impatiently for something to occur. And waiting is about the hardest work there is.

But there was nothing for it but to wait, and it might be at least a week, Professor Bumper said, before the Indian could return with a party of porters and mules to move their baggage.

“Yes, Tolpec has not only to locate the settlement,” Tom admitted, “but he must persuade the natives to come back with him. He may have trouble in that, especially if it is known that he has left Jacinto, who, I imagine, is a power among the tribes here.”

But there were only two things left to do — wait and hope. The travelers did both. Four days passed and there was no sign of Tolpec. Eagerly,

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Categories: Appleton, Victor