Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“Gentlemen,” he said, “I have reconsidered my refusal to go to the Copan valley after the idol of gold. I’m going with you!”

“Good!” cried Professor Bumper.

“Fine!” ejaculated Mr. Damon. “Bless my time-table! I thought you’d come around, Tom Swift.”

“But what about your stabilizer?” asked Ned.

“I was just talking to my father about it,’ the young inventor replied. “He will be able to put the finishing touches on it. So I’ll leave it with him. As soon as I can get ready I’ll go, since you say haste is necessary, Professor Bumper.”

“It is, if we are to get ahead of Beecher.”

“Then we’ll get ahead of him!” cried Tom. “I’m with you now from the start to the finish. I’ll show him what I can do!” he added, while Ned and the others wondered at the sudden change in their friend’s manner.



Chapter 5



“TOM how soon can we go?” asked Professor Bumper, as he began arranging his papers, maps and documents ready to place them back in the valise.

“Within a week, if you want to start that soon.”

“The sooner the better. A week will suit me. I don’t know just what Beecher’s plans are, but, he may try to get on the ground first. Though, without boasting, I may say that he has not had as much experience as I have had, thanks to you, Tom, when you helped me find the lost city of Pelone.”

“Well, I hope we’ll be as successful this time,” murmured Tom. “I don’t want to see Beecher beat you.”

“I didn’t know you knew him, Tom,” said the professor.

“Oh, yes, I have met him. once,” and there

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Categories: Appleton, Victor