Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

The professor went over in detail the story of how he had found the old documents relating to the lost city of Kurzon, and of how, after much labor and research, he had located the city in the Copan valley. The great idol of gold was one of the chief possessions of Kurzon, and it was often referred to in the old papers; copies and translations of which the professor had with him.



“But this is the most valuable of all,” he said, as he opened an oiled-silk packet. “And before I show it to you, suppose you two young men take a look outside the tent.”

“What for?” asked Mr. Damon.

“To make sure that no emissaries from the Beecher crowd are sneaking around to overhear what we say,” was the somewhat bitter answer of the scientist. “I do not trust him, in spite of his attempted denial.”

Tom and Ned took a quick but thorough observation outside the tent. The blackness of the jungle night was in strange contrast to the light they had just left.

“Doesn’t seem to be any one around here,” remarked Ned, after waiting a minute or two.

“No. All’s quiet along the Potomac. Those Beecher natives are having some sort of a songfest, though.”

In the distance, and from the direction of their rivals’ camp, came the weird chant.

“Well, as long as they stay there we’ll be all right,” said Tom. “Come on in. I’m anxious to hear what the professor has to say.”

“Everything’s quiet,” reported Ned.

“Then give me your attention,” begged the scientist.

Carefully, as though about to exhibit some,


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Categories: Appleton, Victor