Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“El tigre! El tigre!”



Chapter 19



“DID YOU hear that, Tom?” asked Ned, in a hoarse whisper.

“Surely,” was the cautious answer. “Keep still, and I’ll try for a shot.”

“Better be quick,” advised Ned in a tense voice. “The chap who did that yelling seems to be in trouble!”

And as Ned’s voice trailed off into a whisper, again came the cry, this time in frenzied pain.

“El tigre! El tigre!” Then there was a jumble of words.

“It’s over this way!” and this time Ned shouted, seeing no need for low voices since the other was so loud.

Tom looked to where Ned had parted the bushes alongside a jungle path. Through the opening the young inventor saw, in a little glade, that which caused him to take a firmer grip on



his electric rifle, and also a firmer grip on his nerves.

Directly in front of him and Ned, and not more than a hundred yards away, was a great tawny and spotted jaguar — the “tigre” or tiger of Central America. The beast, with lashing tail, stood over an Indian upon whom it seemed to have sprung from some lair, beating the unfortunate man to the ground. Nor had he fallen scatheless, for there was blood on the green leaves about him, and it was not the blood of the spotted beast.

“Oh, Tom, can you — can you — — ” and Ned faltered.

The young inventor understood the unspoken question.

“I think I can make a shot of it without hitting the man,” he answered, never turning his head. “It’s a question, though, if the beast won’t claw him in the death struggle. It won’t last long, however, if the electric bullet goes to the right place, and I’ve got to take the chance.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor