Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders



tried to go along the trail after dark, torn and disturbed as it is bound to be by the rain, we might get into difficulties ourselves. No, we must camp here until morning and then go for help.”

They all decided finally this was best. The professor, too, pointed out that their rivals were in a large and roomy cave, not likely to suffer from lack of air nor food or water, since they must have supplies with them.

“The only danger is that the cave has been crushed in,” added Tom; “but in that event we would be of no service to them anyhow.”

The night seemed very long, and it was a most uncomfortable one, because of the shock and exertions through which the party had passed. Added to this was the physical discomfort caused by the storm.

But in time there was the light in the east that meant morning was at hand, and with it came action. A hasty breakfast, cups of steaming coffee forming a most welcome part, put them all in better condition, and once more they were on their way, heading back to the main camp where they had left their force of Indians.

“My!” exclaimed Tom, as they made their way slowly along, “it surely was some storm! Look at those big trees uprooted over there.



They’re almost as big as the giant redwoods of California, and yet they were bowled over as if they were tenpins.”

“I wonder if the wind did it or the earthquake,” ventured Mr. Damon.

“No wind could do that,” declared Ned. “It must have been the landslide caused by the earthquake.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor