Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“No, I suppose that’s right,” observed Tom; but there was a queer gleam in his eye, and his chum wondered if Tom did not have in mind the prospective race between himself and Fenimore Beecher for the regard of Mary Nestor. “We’ll do our best to win, and any one is at liberty to travel on the same steamer we are to take,” added



the young inventor, and his tone became more incisive.

“It will be all the livelier with two expeditions after the same golden idol,” remarked Ned.

“Yes, I think we’re in for some excitement,” observed Tom grimly. But even he did not realize all that lay before them ere they would reach Kurzon.

Mr. Damon, having delivered his message, and remarking that his preparations for leaving were nearly completed, went back to Waterfield, from there to proceed to New York in a few days with Tom and Ned, to meet Professor Bumper.

“Well, I guess we have everything in pretty good shape,” remarked Tom to his chum a day or so after the visit of Mr. Damon. “Everything is packed, and as I have a few personal matters to attend to I think I’ll take the afternoon off.”

“Go to it!” laughed Ned, guessing a thing of two. “I’ve got a raft of stuff myself to look after, but don’t let that keep you.”

“If there is anything I can do,” began Tom, “don’t hesitate to —

— ”

“Nonsense!” exclaimed Ned. “I can do it all alone. It’s some of the company’s business, anyhow, and I’m paid for looking after that.”

“All right, then I’ll cut along,” Tom said, and he wore a relieved air.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor