Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

“Yes, he and Eradicate were having an argument about who should move a heavy casting from one of the shops. Rad wanted to do it all alone, but Koku said he was like a baby now.”

“Poor Rad is getting old,” said Tom with a sigh. “But he has been very faithful. He and Koku never seem to get along well together.”

Koku was an immense man, a veritable giant, one of two whom Tom had brought back with him after an exciting trip to a strange land. The giant’s strength was very useful to the young inventor.

“Now Tom, about this business of leasing to the English Government the right to manufacture



that new explosive of yours,” began Ned, plunging into the business at hand. “I think if you stick out a little you can get a better royalty price.”

“But I don’t want to gouge ‘em, Ned. I’m satisfied with a fair profit. The trouble with you is you think too much of money. Now — — ”

At that moment a voice was heard in the hall of the house saying:

“Now, my dear lady, don’t trouble yourself. I can find my way in to Tom Swift perfectly well by myself, and while I appreciate your courtesy I do not want to trouble you.”

“No, don’t come, Mrs. Baggert,” added another voice. “Bless my hat band, I think I know my way about the house by this time!”

“Mr. Damon!” ejaculated Ned.

“And Professor Bumper is with him,” added Tom. “Come in!” he cried, opening the hall door, to confront a baldheaded man who stood peering at our hero with bright snapping eyes, like those of some big bird spying out the land from afar. “Come in, Professor Bumper; and you too, Mr. Damon!”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor