Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders

Past the stone graves they went, deeper and deeper into the great cave. Their footsteps echoed and re-echoed. Suddenly Tom, who with Ned had gone a little ahead, came to a sudden halt and said:

“Well, this may be a burial place sure enough, but I think I see something alive all right — if it isn’t a ghost.”

He pointed ahead. Surely those were lights flickering and moving about, and, yes, there were men carrying them. The Bumper party came to a surprised halt. The other lights advanced, and then, to the great astonishment of Professor Bumper and his friends, there confronted them in the cave several scientists of Professor Beecher’s party and a score or more of Indians. Professor Hylop, who was known to Professor Bumper, stepped forward and asked sharply:

“What are you doing here?”

“I might ask you the same thing,” was the retort.

“You might, but you would not be answered,” came sharply. “We have a right here, having



discovered this cavern, and we claim it under a concession of the Honduras Government. I shall have to ask you to withdraw.”

“Do you mean leave here?” asked Mr Damon.

“That is it, exactly. We first discovered this cave. We have been conducting explorations in it for several days, and we wish no outsiders.”

“Are you speaking for Professor Beecher”’ asked Tom.

“I am. But he is here in the cave, and will speak for himself if you desire it. But I represent him, and I order you to leave. If you do not go peaceably we will use force. We have plenty of it,” and he glanced back at the Indians grouped behind him — scowling savage Indians.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor